Re: escaping escaping

David Woolley <> wrote:

>>Well I'll be darn'ed.  I never thought this would work
>It's well formed, but I'm not sure that it is valid.

Pardon? Since the Validator no longer performs well-formedness checking
without also Validating, that would mean this is a bug in the Validator.

What exactly makes you think that this is not Valid?

>Valid XHTML depends on obeying rules that can't be specified in

Sure. Which rule in particular comes into effect here?

>You can't of course, represent a CDATA section in this way,

YM a CDATA section inside a CDATA section?

>and you will still have gone through a translation from transfer
>character set to UCS-4 and from UCS-4 to the display font encoding.

The relevance being?

> I suggest you attend some sort of anger management class....
That's where you learn to upset the PHBs? -- Peter da Silva

Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2002 16:38:44 UTC