from August 2012 by subject

[whatwg] "content" element, which we need in our documents

[whatwg] :enabled and :disabled matching <input type=hidden>

[whatwg] [html5] r7128 - [giow] (2) Try to define img synchronous loading. Affected topics: HTML

[whatwg] [selectors4] drag-and-drop pseudo-classes

[whatwg] A mechanism to improve form autofill

[whatwg] allowfullscreen vs sandbox="allow-fullscreen", and mimicking for pointer lock

[whatwg] alt and title attribute exception

[whatwg] alt="" and the <meta name=generator> exception

[whatwg] Archive API - proposal

[whatwg] At Inclusion (a declarative way to "Ajaxise" a website)

[whatwg] Binary Streaming with XHR

[whatwg] bug 764234, String encoding / decoding API, adjustng code point by N.

[whatwg] Canvas arcTo method

[whatwg] Change description of em element

[whatwg] Conformance checking of missing alternative content > for images

[whatwg] Conformance checking of missing alternative content for images

[whatwg] Consider making @srcset do fallback?

[whatwg] CSS Filter Effects for Canvas 2D Context

[whatwg] Declarative unload data

[whatwg] Domain transfer security

[whatwg] DOMContentLoaded, load and current document readiness

[whatwg] DOMTokenList enable

[whatwg] Features for responsive Web design

[whatwg] Feedback on Web Worker specification

[whatwg] Fwd: fallback section taking over for 4xx and 5xx responses while online

[whatwg] Fwd: img srcset / css image-set issues

[whatwg] History: onpopstate on initial document load

[whatwg] HTMLLinkElement.disabled and HTMLLinkElement.sheet behavior

[whatwg] I believe source rectangles for HTML5 Canvas drawImage are specified incorrectly

[whatwg] iframe sandbox and indexedDB

[whatwg] img srcset / css image-set issues

[whatwg] input type=barcode?

[whatwg] Linters should complain about missing accessible names for controls [Was: Re: alt="" and the <meta name=generator> exception]

[whatwg] Load events fired during onload handlers

[whatwg] MediaController events

[whatwg] MediaController feedback

[whatwg] Missing alt attribute name bikeshedding (was Re: alt="" and the <meta name=generator> exception)

[whatwg] New canvas additions

[whatwg] Opera should fallback with scripting *disabled* (was Re: Wasn't there going to be a strict spec?)

[whatwg] Preparing <script> for ES6 modules

[whatwg] Proposal for change in recommendation for loading behavior of non-applicable stylesheets

[whatwg] Proposal for HTML5: Motion sensing input device (Kinect, SoftKinetic, Asus Xtion)

[whatwg] Proposal for HTML5: Virtual Tours

[whatwg] Proposal for Links to Unrelated Browsing Contexts

[whatwg] Proposal for public data in drag events

[whatwg] Proposal for readyState behavior

[whatwg] Proposal: "Offline-Capable" Meta Tag and API Indicates Application's Ability to Function Without Network Connection

[whatwg] Proposal: Add window.getLastError (or modify invocation arguments of window.onerror)

[whatwg] Proposal: Deprecate registerProtocolHandler/registerContentHandler via Web Intents

[whatwg] Proposed addition to Drag and Drop API

[whatwg] Readiness of script-created documents

[whatwg] Real-time thread support for workers

[whatwg] register*Handler and Web Intents

[whatwg] Safari, Opera and Navigation Timing API

[whatwg] Serialization of expandos on String / Boolean / Number objects

[whatwg] Should editable elements have placeholder attribute?

[whatwg] StringEncoding open issues

[whatwg] StringEncoding: Allowed encodings for TextEncoder

[whatwg] StringEncoding: encode() return type looks weird in the IDL

[whatwg] Suggest making <dt> and <dd> valid in <ol>

[whatwg] suggestin a minor addion to the DOM

[whatwg] Support for <link rel="stylesheet" crossorigin>

[whatwg] Support for <script crossorigin>

[whatwg] Sychronous operations in onclose handlers

[whatwg] tabindexscope

[whatwg] "Attribute role not allowed on element h2 at this point."

[whatwg] Various HTML element feedback

[whatwg] Was is considered to use JSON-LD instead of creating application/microdata+json?

[whatwg] Wasn't there going to be a strict spec?

[whatwg] Why does CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage not draw a video's poster?

[whatwg] Why won't you let us make our own HTML5 browsers?

Last message date: Friday, 31 August 2012 22:28:45 UTC