from July 2018 by subject

[sdw] Coverage JSON Definitions

[sdw] Create a list of OGC standards that are "not yet Web-friendly enough" plus rationale for each

[sdw] CRS negotiation in MapML

[sdw] intervalDuring can really compare the values of two date time stamps

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Add best practice implementation 3

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Jabhay bp exemplars

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Update MapML roadmap categorizations with examples

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Update WebVMT Explanatory Spec

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: Updated intro, BP 1 & 2

[sdw] Merged Pull Request: WebVMT Roadmap Update

[sdw] new commits pushed by 6a6d74

[sdw] new commits pushed by lvdbrink

[sdw] new commits pushed by MichaelGordon

[sdw] new commits pushed by rjksmith

[sdw] Present the Maps for HTML / MapML concept to browser developers for discussion and co-development / eventual co-standardization

[sdw] Pull Request: Add best practice implementation 3

[sdw] Pull Request: Jabhay bp exemplars

[sdw] Pull Request: Update MapML roadmap categorizations with examples

[sdw] Pull Request: Update WebVMT Explanatory Spec

[sdw] Pull Request: Updated intro, BP 1 & 2

[sdw] Pull Request: WebVMT Roadmap Update

[sdw] StatsBP: prepare notes on each DWBP in context of stats

[sdw] Update MapML roadmap categorizations with examples

Focus days August

Focus week: Maps for HTML / MapML

Introductions about GPX version 2

IOT2018 - Call for Posters, Demos and Late-Breaking Results

Poll for a telcon on Tech Trends coordination (SDWIG ACTION-391)

Progress with “Describing moving objects” task

Reminder - Re: TPAC 2018 registration now open

Reminder and additional information - Re: TPAC 2018 registration now open

Reminder: TPAC 2018 registration

Retrospective of July Focus Days for SDW IG

SDW IG and OGC tech trends telecon

Spatial Data on the Web Best Practices - Update and focus areas

Telcon on Tech Trends coordination (SDWIG ACTION-391)

W3C SDWIG - Ontology for RDF Data Cube dicing

WebVMT Status Update

welcome to SDWIG

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 July 2018 14:22:06 UTC