from December 2017 by subject

[Admin] 'Locator'-s repository name changes

[Minutes] Meeting Minutes 2017-12-04

[Minutes] Meeting Minutes 2017-12-11

[Minutes] Meeting Minutes, 2017-12-18

[pwg] 20171204 agenda

[PWG] 20171211 Agenda

[pwg] 20171218 meeting

Ace, by DAISY: Open Source EPUB Accessibility Checker - Final Beta

candidate for FPWD of Locators for Web Publications

Comments on "Locators for Web Publications"

Fwd: HTML 5.2 is now a W3C Recommendation

Fwd: WAI-ARIA 1.1, Core-AAM 1.1, DPub-ARIA 1.0, and DPub-AAM 1.0 are W3C Recommendations

Interesting example: payment method manifest

Locators, Nanotation, shepazu

new frag id - RE: Comments on "Locators for Web Publications" meetup

PWP draft to be discussed on tomorrow's (Dec-11) call

Regrets - RE: [pwg] 20171204 agenda

REMINDER - review PDTS 22424-1/2, EPUB 3 Preservation specs

WAI-ARIA 1.1, Core-AAM 1.1, DPub-ARIA 1.0, DPub-AAM 1.0 are Recommendations; WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices is Note

Last message date: Friday, 29 December 2017 08:24:25 UTC