REMINDER - review PDTS 22424-1/2, EPUB 3 Preservation specs



I believe that Makoto Murata and/or others have previously shared in EPUB 3
CG calls etc. that ISO TC 46 and SC 34 has developed and is presently
balloting on (country-by-country basis per ISO processes) specifications
relating to EPUB 3 preservation (see links below). While due to the
transition between IDPF and W3C there was not the level of advane
coordination on this specification in advancing of said balloting that might
have been ideal, ISO has requested feedback from the ) community and W3C 3
experts. Please respond with any comments to the Secretary of SC 34 Toshiko
Kimura (


While the vote in ISO SC 34 closes today the parallel vote in ISO TC 46 is
open until I believe Dec 28 so there is time to review although in any event
this review process is occurring late so likely feedback would not be able
to be taken into account until afterwards anyway (there is usually a Ballot
Resolution process so there's a chance for feedback to be addressed then
and/or in subsequent revisions). Another thing of course is to consider
implications of this work on future EPUB 3 and/or PWP/EPUB4 work.
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n> &objId=19298776&objAction=Open&viewType=1


If any technical questions about the specs I recommend emailing Murata-san.




--Bill McCoy


Received on Monday, 11 December 2017 17:20:45 UTC