Re: Comments on "Locators for Web Publications"

The charter says:

"The Working Group will deliver the following W3C normative specifications (titles of the documents are provisional; some documents listed below may be grouped into one document or split into several, constituent documents):"

The topic of locators was, originally, discussed as part of the WP specification. We felt that (mainly with the previous version) this section would make the WP document so unbalanced that it is better, editorially, to split it into a separate document.


> On 13 Dec 2017, at 07:33, Daniel Glazman <> wrote:
> Le 12/12/2017 à 20:48, Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken a écrit :
>> Hi Baldur,
>> I think there may be some misunderstanding, and I apologize if I contributed to the misunderstanding.
>> We have a very specific charter [1].
> Well, the Locators spec is NOT chartered; the WG used
> its home page to specify the spec but it's NOT in the chartered
> deliverables. The only option conformant to Charter is to make this
> document a "non-normative document" according to section 3.2 of the
> Charter. According to the Group's Charter, a FPWD for Locators is NOT
> possible without charter amendment. Could you please clarify?
> </Daniel>

Ivan Herman, W3C
Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2017 08:40:56 UTC