from October 2016 by subject

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (10 OCT 2016)

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (17 OCT 2016)

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (24 OCT 2016)

[Agenda] W3C POE WG Teleconference (31 OCT 2016)

[Minutes] 2016-10-03 Minutes and more

[Minutes] 2016-10-10

[Minutes] 2016-10-24 Incl. *Time change next week*

[Minutes] 2016-10-31


Another approach to the non-reification problem...

BISG Use Cases

Call for Exclusions (Update): ODRL Information Model; ODRL Vocabulary & Expression

Closed Actions

Complex Constraints

Duty Unit Constraint

Extended Relations

Minor ODRL update

ODRL XML Encoding

poe-ACTION-30: Can we only have a json-ld serialisation? will it impact righstml?

poe-ACTION-32: Write to antoine as heads up for renato's mail

poe-ACTION-33: Write to antoine asking for example that odrl can't handle

poe-ACTION-34: Update ucr according to today's discussion

poe-ACTION-35: Write virtualf2f agenda

Reassessing applicability of (legacy) concepts

Resolution 23

Save the date 5 December (was Re: Virtual F2F, choosing the date - pls complete the Doodle)

Scope in the ODRL Model

Status of POE.R.DM.06 "Support relative time constraints"

Status of POE.R.DM.09 "Complex Constraints"

Status of POE.R.V.03?

Status of POE.R.V.08?

The crazy 'qualified' idea:-)

TPAC/Reqs summary

Tracking Actions

UC links?

Virtual F2F, choosing the date - pls complete the Doodle

Last message date: Monday, 31 October 2016 16:23:38 UTC