RE: poe-ACTION-30: Can we only have a json-ld serialisation? will it impact righstml?

Yes, great request, Renato!

Here is example 9 in ODRL JSON:
    "policytype": "",
    "policyid": "",
    "inheritallowed": true,
    "permissions": [{
        "target": "",
        "action": "",
        "assigner": "",
        "assignee": ""

    "policytype": "",
    "policyid": "",
    "inheritfrom": "",
    "permissions": [{
        "target": "",
        "action": "",
        "assigner": "",
        "assignee": "",
        "assignee_scope": ""

Here it is in XML

<o:Policy xmlns:o="" type="" uid="" inheritAllowed="true">
        <o:asset uid="" relation=""/>
        <o:action name=""/>
        <o:party uid="" function=""/>
        <o:party uid="" function=""/>

<o:Policy xmlns:o="" type="" uid="" inheritFrom="">
        <o:asset uid="" relation=""/>
        <o:action name=""/>
        <o:party uid="" function=""/>
        <o:party uid="" function="" scope=""/>

And here it is in RDF

@prefix odrl: <> .

        a odrl:Agreement ;
        odrl:permission [
               a odrl:Permission ;
               odrl:action odrl:print ;
               odrl:target <> ;
               odrl:assigner <> ;
               odrl:assignee <> ;
        ] .

        a odrl:Agreement ;
        odrl:inheritFrom <> ;
        odrl:permission [
               a odrl:Permission ;
               odrl:action odrl:display ;
               odrl:target <> ;
               odrl:assigner <> ;
               odrl:assignee <>
        ] .

<> a odrl:Party .
<> a odrl:Party .
<> a odrl:Group .

In particular, I’m interested in how to represent the RDF expression “<> a odrl:Group .” in JSON-LD?



From: Renato Iannella []
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2016 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: poe-ACTION-30: Can we only have a json-ld serialisation? will it impact righstml?

On 14 Oct. 2016, at 02:28, Myles, Stuart <<>> wrote:

In fact, for the Ontology, the possible values of “scope” in XML and JSON are instead subclasses of Party. This may well be a better way to model it, but that’s how JSON and XML have the scope property and the Ontology does not. There is no concept of inheritance in JSON. (Or namespaces or …). Instead, applications which handle JSON are meant to just “know” what the properties mean.

Can a JSON-LD expert, convert our current JSON example into (pure) JSON-LD (based on our ontology)?

Use “ Example 9 Inheritance” from here:

(Note: the JSON examples are yet to appear in the w3c editors draft)

Renato Iannella, Monegraph
Co-Chair, W3C Permissions & Obligations Expression (POE) Working Group

Received on Friday, 14 October 2016 15:04:14 UTC