[Minutes] 2016-10-31

Predictably enough, the minutes of this week's call are at 
https://www.w3.org/2016/10/31-poe-minutes with a text snapshot below. 
Thanks to Victor for scribing.

   Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference

31 Oct 2016


       [2] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161031

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/10/31-poe-irc


           renato, Sabrina, ivan, James, michaelS, victor,
           Brian_Ulicny, smyles, phila

           Serena, Ben, Caroline




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Approve last meeting's minutes
          2. [6]BISG use cases
          3. [7]POE.UC.33: Disambiguate access permission from
             copyright permission (University Press)
          4. [8]POE.UC.34: Library collection management and access
          5. [9]POE.UC.35: Rights licensing for custom textbook
             publishing (higher education publishers)
          6. [10]POE U.C. 36: Users need to know the permissions
             and obligations associated with using a given
          7. [11]Policy type to support PLUS data model
          8. [12]Management of actions / issues on different
          9. [13]Virtual F2F meeting
      * [14]Summary of Action Items
      * [15]Summary of Resolutions

    <scribe> agenda:

      [16] https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161031

    <renato> [17]https://www.w3.org/2016/10/24-poe-minutes.html

      [17] https://www.w3.org/2016/10/24-poe-minutes.html

Approve last meeting's minutes

    RESOLUTION: meeting notes of the last week's call have been



BISG use cases

    POE.UC.32: Improve efficiency of foreign rights transactions
    (University Press)

    renato: Requirement 3.1 is about being language-agnostic for
    international purposes
    ... URI's are neutral hence every language can be potentially
    ... this applies to 3.2 and 3.3 too

    ivan: terms can also be numbers, and these be mapped to actual
    languages. This way the system is more neutral, as ODRL is

    renato: W3C Internationalization Requeriments are the reference

    ivan: what we do should be ok for these requirements

    RESOLUTION: We considered UC32 as covered

POE.UC.33: Disambiguate access permission from copyright permission
(University Press)

    renato: four requirements are stated

    victor: is "given platform covered"?

    renato: we can specify the specific device

    michaelS: is platform=device?

    renato: it is also about access control

    ivan: we can represent the right to access

    <James> Authentication and Authorisation is out of scope I

    renato: Marc says it deals with usage permission

    michaelS: this is a general problem. Once accessed... are they
    allowed to read only? copy-paste?

    <James> Authorisation may make use of a ODRL an agreement
    depending on internal business rules

    ivan: perhaps by allowing the plug-in of external vocabularies
    would suffice

    renato: any other comment?

    Brian_Ulicny: the licensing environment must be considered

    renato: perhaps we need more clarification

    RESOLUTION: We ask for more clarification to University Press

    topic. POE.UC.34: Library collection management and access

POE.UC.34: Library collection management and access

    renato: (reads aloud the four requirements)
    ... we are already covering 34.1. There are other standards
    like ONIX for Books, JATS for journal articles, XMP or PLUS for

    michaelS: this is much like composite photos

    <michaelS> [19]https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/

      [19] https://www.w3.org/TR/media-frags/

    michaelS: if we have a composited asset, we can different
    policies for each of the regions of the asset
    ... should these independent policies be somehow grouped?

    renato: i understand that different parts of the assets are
    identified with URIs following the media fragments

    requirement 3 is about providing standard info on the copyright


    renato: requirement 4 is about different rightsholders in
    different geographical areas

    michaelS: then we can simply have different policies, each
    applying to a region

    <James> I agree with MichaelS

    phila: there is a difference between geography and jurisdiction

    michaelS: we use country codes as equivalent to jurisdiction

    victor: (I had a small objection, but worthless to be
    discussed: we specify the country code tied to a restriction,
    not to an statement that is generally attributed to the party)

POE.UC.35: Rights licensing for custom textbook publishing (higher
education publishers)

    RESOLUTION UC.34 is already covered.

    michaelS: 35.1 is already covered

    Req. 35.2 is about "Permissions data may also be associated
    with a group of products"

    ivan: we may want to remember POWDER...

    renato: we can have more than 1 URI as the target. Can't we?

    ivan: why not? a list of identifiers

    James: this is like a problem we discussed: we may not want one
    policy pointing to 1000 assets, but 1000 assets pointing to one
    single policy.

    smyles: a URI identifying a single thing is a very rare case.
    E.g. one video may have one URI. But it will have multiple
    renditions. E.g. a text item might be updated and have
    differently authored versions etc.

    phila: There are several solutions. URI templates are very well
    stablished (braces), google uses wildcards
    ... are these UC important enough for this group to tackle

    ivan: CSV on the Web used URI templates.

    <ivan> [20]https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570

      [20] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6570

    ivan: With that, we have something to start with.

    phila: The "exceptions" are not perfectly handled (in POWDER
    they were better modeled) but it is just a detail

    <phila> phila: I would say "A POWDER- like approach" rather
    than recommend it directly

    renato: this should be no problem -- 35.3 Permissions and
    obligations must be able to be expressed for content locally
    authored, for example by a teacher, that is not licensed from a
    third party.
    ... We are not in control of "35.4 policies must be able to be

    ivan: +1

    renato: on 35.6, "The permissions and obligations associated
    with the coursepack may not align with the permissions and
    obligations associated with each of its components." we may
    consider there is a new resource.

    <James> its UGC I think

    renato: there may not be a perfect alignment, as conflicts may

    ivan: what can we do about it? we do not want to have checking

    renato: at most, within the Semantics note.

POE U.C. 36: Users need to know the permissions and obligations
associated with using a given publication.

    renato: this may be part of the implementation details
    ... 36.2 is pretty much the same

    phila: From an American lawyer's point of view, the fact that
    you publish a text does not imply that the user has read it

    renato: so we take it as out of scope
    ... we are waiting from clarifications from XXX

    ivan: There may be something more serious than URI pattern

    renato: we need some narrative text in the spec.
    ... any other comment regarding BISG?



Policy type to support PLUS data model

    <James> It seems useful to me

    RESOLUTION: we accept POE.R.V.16_Assertion_Policy_Type

    renato: shall we come back to complex constraints? AOB? or
    shall we talk about virtual F2F?

Management of actions / issues on different locations

    renato suggest using exclusively the W3C issue tracker (and NOT
    the github issues).

    renato: github issues may be tied to the actual edition of the
    ... while W3C tracker can be used for actions imposed to actual

    RESOLUTION: W3C actions to be used as "TODO" list for

Virtual F2F meeting

    renato: it has been announced as a "very long conference 4-6

    phila: it is limited by timezones.
    ... there is no easy way.

    <Sabrina> Depending on the start time - I might not be able to
    attend the whole Virtual F2F due to a parent teacher meeting

    phila: 12.30 UTC is perhaps the best for most of us --but 22.30
    for Renato(!). Alternatively, we may start much later so that
    Renato wakes up early and joins.

    renato: I prefer in my night, possibly abanding the call
    earlier than the rest.

    phila: s/abanding/abandoning

    renato: I will propose a window of time; agenda is related to
    having WDs ready by mid December.
    ... AOB?

    phila: What about real F2F?

    renato: will be included in the next agenda

    <scribe> ACTION: renato to write VirtualF2F agenda - due next
    week [recorded in

      [22] http://www.w3.org/2016/10/31-poe-minutes.html#action01]

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-35 - Write virtualf2f agenda [on
    Renato Iannella - due 2016-11-07].

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: renato to write VirtualF2F agenda - due next week
    [recorded in

      [23] http://www.w3.org/2016/10/31-poe-minutes.html#action01

Summary of Resolutions

     1. [24]meeting notes of the last week's call have been
     2. [25]We considered UC32 as covered
     3. [26]We ask for more clarification to University Press
     4. [27]we accept POE.R.V.16_Assertion_Policy_Type
     5. [28]W3C actions to be used as "TODO" list for participants.

    [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 31 October 2016 16:23:38 UTC