Save the date 5 December (was Re: Virtual F2F, choosing the date - pls complete the Doodle)

Dear all,

The results of the Doodle are already clear: the one date that, so far, 
everyone *can* make is Monday 5 December. Therefore, please block that 
day for a virtual F2F meeting. Details and confirmation will come later.



For tracker: Action-31

On 03/10/2016 15:05, Phil Archer wrote:
> Dear all,
> At the end of our TPAC meeting, we discussed our next F2F meetings. One
> of these will be an actual F2F meeting in March 2017. We are lucky to
> have multiple possible hosts for such a meeting including UPM in Madrid.
> Victor - if I am correct that you are keen to  host that meeting, please
> can you suggest some dates?
> My action-31 is to set a date for a virtual F2F in November/December.
> IIRC, the plan is to meet for one day, not two, around that time for an
> extended telco. From a European perspective this is likely to mean
> starting around 08:00 UK, 09:00 CET and then going through until
> Renato's Brisbane clock calls a halt.
> I've set up a Doodle at for a
> couple of weeks around that time. If we can find a day when everyone's
> free, OK. If not, I'll extend the poll further.
> Cheers
> Phil.


Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2016 08:42:42 UTC