Re: Duty Unit Constraint

Dear all,

I am afraid I can not attend today's call --my students are making a test.

    /Wouldn’t it be better, especially for the second permission, to
    model that “rdf:statement” constraint as part of the Permission, not
    the duty?/
    /That is, you are permitted to reproduce 1 triple from target
    dataset:ds01 if you pay 0.01EUR/

Yes, certainly. Maybe we can correct it and add it as an example of use 
of external vocab (gr)


El 19/10/2016 a las 4:52, Renato Iannella escribió:
> Hi Victor, in your slides:
>  <victor> I can solve mine inmediatly Action 25. the example
>   that is requested can be seen in slide 18 of
>   [21]
> Wouldn’t it be better, especially for the second permission, to model 
> that “rdf:statement” constraint as part of the Permission, not the duty?
> That is, you are permitted to reproduce 1 triple from target 
> dataset:ds01 if you pay 0.01EUR
> (and hence, each time you do that, you pay 0.01EUR)
> Renato Iannella, Monegraph
> Co-Chair, W3C Permissions & Obligations Expression (POE) Working Group

Víctor Rodríguez-Doncel
D3205 - Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
ETS de Ingenieros Informáticos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Campus de Montegancedo s/n
Boadilla del Monte-28660 Madrid, Spain
Tel. (+34) 91336 3753
Skype: vroddon3

Received on Monday, 24 October 2016 11:04:40 UTC