from June 2015 by subject

[HTML-AAM] Use of MSAA VARIANT by Some User Agents

[whatwg] Last Call: <draft-ietf-appsawg-multipart-form-data-08.txt> (Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data) to Proposed Standard

accessible html 5 game

Ambiguity About Structuring Elements

Decommissioning the Editors' Drafts

Issue: HTML5.1 / media provider object, initialize id, kind and label

Minutes: HTML Accessibility bug triage, 12th June 2015

Notes on ARIA use in HTML - aria design pattern note added

Proposed split of the HTML specification

return null by running the steps of "get the current value of the event handler"

Section element - Example error

Specification needed for embedding SVGs

Task Queue processing

Triage of a11y bugs

Last message date: Thursday, 25 June 2015 13:15:00 UTC