Decommissioning the Editors' Drafts

Hi all,

I would like to decommission as many EDs as possible, ideally all. Given 
that we have automatic publishing, EDs should no longer be needed.

Here is the list that I'm looking at:


This is an ED for HTML5, that has shipped. Proposal: redirect to 
/TR/html5/ and call it a day.


This is the ED for 5.1. But 5.1 is systematically published to 
/TR/html51/ every time there is a change, and the process has been 
working. Proposal: just redirect it.


These are the Canvas EDs, they haven't changed since November. Do I need 
keep them there like that?

Thanks for your input!

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 11 June 2015 09:23:50 UTC