Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Monday, 30 March 2009
- Comment: Working draft Document - PSI
- Comment: Working draft document - Background section
- Re: ISSUE-15 (idauthoutline): identification & authentication section should follow same outline as other sections [Identification + Authentication]
- ISSUE-15 (idauthoutline): identification & authentication section should follow same outline as other sections [Identification + Authentication]
- Trond's +1 on e-Government naming -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-14 (moreexamples): add more examples to the document [Group Note 1 -- General]
- rewriting abstract -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-13 (abstract): rewriting abstract to make it stronger [Group Note 1 -- General]
- references -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-12 (references): references are doubled, inline text and in brackets right after text [Group Note 1 -- General]
- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-11 (abbreviations): abbreviations like API, PSI etc. needs to be explained the first time and more tweaks to abbreviations might be needed
- executive summary -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-10 (execsummary): creation of an executive summary for C-level audience [Group Note 1 -- General]
- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- limitations -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-9 (limitations): recoming limitations from the section title in interop [Interoperability]
- more on open std definition -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- GIFs, CAMSS in interop -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-8 (GIFsCAMSS): pointers to GIFs, CAMSS and consideration of differences [Interoperability]
- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-7 (stdtointerop): achieving interoperability should be done through standardization [Interoperability]
- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-6 (openstdinpe): open standards to achieve participation and engagement [Participation and Engagement]
- legal status of W3C standards -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-5 (legalstatus): Legal status of W3C standards and its use by government [Group Note 1 -- General]
- Re: ISSUE 4 -- bulk data downloads -- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- Re: adding the OKD to OGS section -- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- ISSUE 4 -- bulk data downloads -- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- adding the OKD to OGS section -- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- ISSUE-4 (rawdata): Raw Data or Bulk Data downloads should be added to OGD section [Open Government Data]
- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- [agenda] eGov IG call, 1 April 2009, 14:00Z
- "Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web" review comments
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
- RE: Improving access to government through better use of the web
- Improving access to government through better use of the web
Friday, 20 March 2009
Sunday, 15 March 2009
Friday, 13 March 2009
- [minutes] eGov IG F2F2, Day 2, 13 March 2009
- canceling Group call on 18 Mar
- [minutes] eGov IG F2F2, Day 1, 12 March 2009
- Re: Permanent regrets
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Monday, 9 March 2009
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Friday, 6 March 2009
- RE: Group Note FPWD is done
- Re: spelling of eGovernment -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- Re: spelling of eGovernment -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- RE: semantics -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- RE: semantics -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- Re: spelling of eGovernment -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- spelling of eGovernment -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-3 (egovspell): spelling of eGovernment
- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- Tanya Gupta/Person/World Bank is away
- ISSUE-2 (OGDDEF): Open Government Data Definition [Open Government Data]
- semantics -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done
- ISSUE-1 (advsemantics): is it necessary to agree upon the semantics in advance?
- dealing with document comments/issues
- RE: Group Note FPWD is done
- Re: Recovery Act of 2009-Strategic Plans
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
- Re: [minutes] eGov IG Call, 4 March 2009
- F2F2 Agenda Restructuring Sandbox -- Re: [minutes] eGov IG Call, 4 March 2009
- [minutes] eGov IG Call, 4 March 2009
- Fwd: [DO Europe] Online consultation on European eParticipation: 2-13 March
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline
- Re: Group Note -- content and sections outline