Re: Recovery Act of 2009-Strategic Plans

We mentioned the DC Transparency Camp --  
-- at the Group call, and I've just been reminded of this.


"This followed another talk there by George Thomas, from the U.S.
government website [4], on how the site will put
information on the government's economic stimulus spending into the
semantic web and the Linked Open Data world via Atom, XHTML, and RDFa.
(Very cool.):"

The slides also add XForms to the mix.

I see George is registered for the meeting next week. We might want to  
encourage him to speak up and show this.

-- Jose

El 27/02/2009, a las 17:44, Jose M. Alonso escribió:

> This subject is (not surprisingly) getting a lot of attention.
> I think the listserv was not copied on a previous email exchange, so  
> I think others would like to read these two blog posts:
> Stimulus Feeds Done Right
> right.html
> Finding Stimulus Feeds
> This reminded me of something important. It's not enough to release  
> the data in an open format, blah, blah... the data itself _must_ be  
> useful!
> -- Jose
> El 27/02/2009, a las 16:50, Owen Ambur escribió:
>> Thanks for the pointer, Allyson.  I'm copying the W3C eGov IG's  
>> listserv since I understand this may be a topic of discussion at  
>> the IG's F2F on March 12 & 13:
>> Items from the list provided in the memo that are particularly  
>> closely related to StratML include:
>> b. Objectives: a general Recovery Act description of the program’s  
>> Recovery Act objectives and relationships with corresponding goals  
>> and objectives through on-going agency programs/activities.  
>> Expected public benefits should demonstrate cost-effectiveness and  
>> be clearly stated in concise, clear and plain language targeted to  
>> an audience with no in-depth knowledge of the program. To the  
>> extent possible, Recovery Act goals should be expressed in the same  
>> terms as programs’ goals in departmental Government Performance  
>> Results Act strategic plans.
>> h. Measures: expected quantifiable outcomes consistent with the  
>> intent and requirements of the legislation ...
>> Date element and Web page requirements are set forth on pages 55 -  
>> 60.
>> I posted a link to the memo at
>> Owen Ambur
>> Co-Chair Emeritus, xmlCoP
>> Co-Chair, AIIM StratML Committee
>> Member, AIIM iECM Committee
>> Invited Expert, W3C eGov IG
>> Communications/Membership Director, FIRM Board
>> Former Project Manager,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: StratML [mailto:STRATML@LISTSERV.AIIM.ORG] On Behalf Of  
>> Allyson Ugarte
>> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 8:21 AM
>> Subject: Recovery Act of 2009-Strategic Plans
>> Mention is made of GPRA strategic plans - see pages 13-14:
>> Each Recovery Program Plan must minimally include:  list
>> Allyson

Received on Friday, 6 March 2009 10:10:35 UTC