dealing with document comments/issues

Hi Group,

I see there are a few comments about the document already coming...

The Group should discuss and respond to all of them in some way or  
another and we should reach consensus on what the answer should be. In  
order to review them properly, discuss them by email and at Group  
calls and keep track of what we do, we will use a tool called tracker  
[0], the same one we have been using to track actions.

The Group's instance of tracker is available at [1]. All the Group's  
tracker info is public and all Group Members have access to edit and  
modify he info there. I'll start myself responding pending emails and  
assigning tracker ISSUES to them. If you keep the text ISSUE-X (X  
being the issue number) in the email message, the system will collect  
automatically those messages related to that given issue.



Jose M. Alonso <>    W3C/CTIC
eGovernment Lead        

Received on Friday, 6 March 2009 11:10:03 UTC