limitations -- Re: Group Note FPWD is done

> ...
> 3) In
> ...
> e. You say "What Are the Main Issues and Limitations?". I would  
> suggest to take out the word "limitations". Indeed open standards  
> are enablers. Indeed, what you are talking about is components of  
> interoperability.

Opening ISSUE-9

Well, I think this should stay or be removed from all other sections  
for consistency. Do you see any difference with this section in any of  
the others' content?

Also, removing "limitations" may imply there are none, and there are  
some e.g. lack of training and understanding on the topic.

As much as we all believe in this we have also to recognize the  
problems we are finding on the way.

I'm not opposing to remove it, but encouraging second thought about it.

-- Jose

Received on Monday, 30 March 2009 16:33:29 UTC