www-svg@w3.org from August 2010 by subject

"on click" in drag-and-drop case

(read first) Working towards a clear understanding of the interaction between svg and html5.

[css-style-attr] SVG WG comments on CSS Styling Attributes Level 1

[SVG1.1F2 LC] Appendix Q: Several minor suggestions

[SVG1.1F2 LC] Chapter 7: Unexpected characters in interface definition

[SVG1.1F2 LC] General: suppression of DOCTYPE declarations across the whole specification


Correct behaviour of feTurbulence + feDisplacementMap

CSS styling compliance question

Early "testcase" example of how SVG in HTML handles events & CSS borders & CSS backgrounds

How does the svg element handle CSS border and background-color?

Landing of SVG 1.1 SE and freezing of previous version's absolute links

More SVG tests for 1.1 2nd edition

patternContentUnits="objectBoundingBox" problems

Property inheritance and the 'clipPath' element

Should event and accessKey timing respect preventDefault?

Should the base svg tag receive events?

Should the base svg tag receive events? (testcase)

Should the base svg tag receive events? (testcase-corrected)

SVG 1.1SE Test Suite: Typo in struct-dom-03-b.html

svg in html5

Working towards a clear understanding of the interaction between svg and html5.

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 August 2010 12:42:34 UTC