www-rdf-logic@w3.org from October 2001 by subject

<p> <rdfs:range> <rdfs:Literal>

<p> <rdfs:range> <rdfs:Literal> (Really quick question)

[WWW2002-ANNOUNCE:2] Second CFP for WWW2002 (fwd)

a question about RDF reification

ANN: Jena 1.2 released with DAML+OIL support, ARP, RDQL and persistent store

announce: New Tool for Comparing RDF Graphs (blindfold v0.1.1)

Announce: Thesis on the Semantic Web

CfP: TIME-2002, Temporal Representation and Reasoning Symposium

DAML+OIL editors

extend an Ontology

How do RDF and Formal Logic fit together?

Identity implies logic

Let's get the Literals out of the RDF Graph


Literals (Re: model theory for RDF/S)

model theory for RDF/S


Properties of Properties Question

Property's of Properties Question

quantification can be represented as an arrow from a variable to a context

Question about IS


RDF for metadata

RDFCore update

The mentography of reification

what is the meaning of the RDF model theory?

X-Values: Typed Data Literals for the Semantic Web and Beyond

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 October 2001 17:32:43 UTC