RE: Literals (Re: model theory for RDF/S)

>Thus, the problem of "05" =? "5" =? "5.0" etc. can be addressed
>from several directions, and the final solution can be based
>on several cooperating mechanisms: URI schemes, RDFS, DAML,
>localhost services, etc.

That sounds nice, but its actually very complicated. The trouble with 
this perspective is that while it allows each mechanism to make its 
own contribution, as it were, it also obliges all the mechanisms to 
be alert for, and to be able to handle appropriately, any 
contributions any of the others might make. It forces them to be in a 
committee which has to meet every time any one of them has anything 
to say about what might be equal to what.

It would be better, in practice, if this issue could be organized 
into distinct parts and these then farmed out to distinct mechanisms 
or layers to deal with alone. That would be more work for us human 
committee members, but it would be a lot easier on the software 
agents that have to use the resulting standards.

Pat Hayes

IHMC					(850)434 8903   home
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Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2001 17:36:22 UTC