Re: How do RDF and Formal Logic fit together?

[RA Poell]
> Sandro Hawke wrote:
> >
> > We want to be
> > able to have semantic web pages be little programs (like HTML pages
> > with javascript, but cleaner).  We want to be able to validate a date
> > field or do currency conversion, etc, etc.
> >
> Just to hook on to these points.
> The Semantic Web should be machine and human readable. The way I tackle
> this aspect in Notion System is that starting from the point that the
> human user is the master of information creation the system must make
> something from it so it can work with it.

> 4 When representing dates afterwards to a human user a "displaying
> service" might either represent the original information and / or use
> the DatExpert service to reconvert this in the form the particular user
> is used to see dates.
[ major snip ...]

To hook this into the threads on literals, how is your DatExpert supposed to
know that a given string is to be analyzed as a date, if we cannot make a
statement about the type of the literal?  The only other ways would seem to
be textual (or contextual) analysis which are pretty hard, or human
intervention which is fine but not so Semantic Webish.


Tom P

Received on Saturday, 6 October 2001 09:45:04 UTC