from March 2012 by subject

[ACTION-149] Dataset semantics VS Graph use cases

[ALL] agenda 21 Mar (Europeans: 1 hour earlier!)

[ALL] agenda 7 March telecon

[All] Agenda for 28 March 2012

[ALL] Finalizing Turtle (was Re: [ALL] agenda 7 March telecon)

[ALL] ISSUE-85: RDF Semantics and Identity of Values

[Graph] abstract syntax for dealing with multiple graphs

\b in Turtle

ACTION-160 : Check for colons in the local part of prefix names

ACTION-161 completed

Agenda for 14 March 2012

Another try.

Antoine's semantics as a model theory. (Was: Re: Islands (ACTION-148))

Can't RDF describe collection resources?


Definitions: RFC 2046 and application/*

Fwd: Comments on abstract syntax document

Fwd: PROV-ISSUE-291 (TLebo): Entity owl:disjointWith Activity [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

Islands (ACTION-148)

March 14 telecon minutes

Meeting times 1hr earlier in europre, next two weeks.

Minutes from 21 March?

New Proposal (6.1) for GRAPHS

on Gavin's proposal concerning NTriples mimetype

one more comment on STRING_LITERAL2 Re: review comments of N-Triples in the Turtle document

Possible regret for today's telecon

PROV-ISSUE-291 (TLebo): Entity owl:disjointWith Activity [mapping prov-dm <-> prov-o]

RDF as a context logic

RDF-ISSUE-85 (identity-of-values): Update RDF Semantics to distinguish between the identity of values and the (numeric) equality of values to be in line with XSD 1.1 [RDF Semantics]

Reconciliation of concerns, re islands and dataset semantics?


regrets for the coming telecon

reminder for Europeans: call in 5 min

review comments of N-Triples in the Turtle document

Review of Turtle doc (part 1)

simplified section 2.3 Abbreviating common datatypes

thought experiment: Oracle will not object to *every* substantive change to NTriple

three kinds of dataset

today's RDF WG minutes

Turtle document strategy [Was: Re: Review of Turtle doc (part 1)]

Updated some tests

Use cases wrt Dataset proposal (UC 1.5, UC 5.2)

Last message date: Saturday, 31 March 2012 19:48:56 UTC