www-rdf-logic@w3.org from March 2003 by subject

"Define" a class, or "Declare" a class? "Define" a property, or "Declare" a property?

<owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:ID="FOO"> --> Object or Datatype Property?

<owl:FunctionalProperty rdf:ID="FOO"> --> Object or DatatypeProperty?

About self-referential syntactic constructs

An exciting inference?

ANN: OWL Tutorial

Any free, Java-based OWL tools?

Benefits of using DL or Lite over using Full?

CFP: AAMAS Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems

CFP: Workshop on Semantic Integration at ISWC'2003

Circular definition of Thing?

daml:imports question

Deadline extended: IJCAI'03 Workshop on Ontologies and Distributed Systems

Declarative limitations of OWL/DAML

Definition of "metaclass"?

Difference between cardinality=1 and FunctionalProperty?

DL'03 first CfP - Description Logics Workshop 2003

DTD for OWL document?

Even more Fuzzy about FunctionalProperty!

Extended deadline: AAMAS Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems

How to get 10,000 free hits per day. Make money for freeeee!

intersectionOf and subClassOf

Is this a good example of a class that is also an individual?

ISWC2003 Call for Industry Papers

ISWC2003 Second Announcement

Looking for example of semantic web and RDF in learning material metadata

Multiple Functional Properties equivalent to Intersection?

Need example of a River class being used as an individual ... anyone?

NEED RESOLUTION: "Define" a class, or "Declare" a class? "Define" a property, or "Declare" a property?

No rdfs:range specified for owl:hasValue ... an error?

Ontology Mapping

OWL Lite's restrictions on the use of the OWL vocabulary

Owl question

OWL Tutorial

problem of DAML+OIL

RECAP: Why isn't FunctionalProperty a subClassOf owl:ObjectProperty?

Special Issue of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce (IJEC)

SUMMARY: Treating a class as both an instance and as a class, i.e., a metaclass

Summer School: Ontological Engineering and Semantic Web (SSSW-2003)

The 2003 Int'l Conf. in CS & CE - Las Vegas, June 23-26, 2003

The domain value of a owl:subClassOf statement (OWL DL)

The Robber and the Speeder: an exciting inference

toIcal.py does timezones etc. now

Treating a class as both an individual and a class?

Typo in previous message [was Re: Why isn't FunctionalProperty a subClassOf owl:ObjectProperty?]

URI/RDF math

Using MIME types in RDF/DAML and Image Metadata

Using OWL to define itself?

What can we draw enlightenment from the Fixpoint Semantics in designing Web Ontology Language?

Who's building models for business

Why isn't FunctionalProperty a subClassOf owl:ObjectProperty?

Last message date: Monday, 31 March 2003 18:37:58 UTC