Re: The domain value of a owl:subClassOf statement (OWL DL)

From: "Yuzhong Qu" <>
Subject: The domain value of a owl:subClassOf statement (OWL DL)
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 22:19:15 +0800

> 8.2 OWL DL [ In OWL Reference] says:
> a.. In OWL DL anonymous classes are only allowed to occur in the following places in class axioms: 
>   a.. within the range value of a rdfs:subclass, owl:equivalentClass or owl:disjointWith statement 
>   b.. as the domain value of a owl:equivalentClass or owl:disjointWith statement 
> This implies that the anonymous class cannot be the domain value of a owl:subClassOf statement.
> But, OWL DL Class Axioms  [ In OWL Abstract Syntax and Semantics] says:
> axiom ::= 'DisjointClasses(' description { description } ')'
>         | 'EquivalentClasses(' description { description } ')'
> 	| 'SubClassOf(' description description ')'
> This means the anonymous class could be the domain value of a owl:subClassOf statement?


> Does the anonymous class is allowed to occur as domain value of a owl:subClassOf statement in OWL DL?

It should be.

> Yuzhong Qu


Received on Sunday, 30 March 2003 12:44:52 UTC