Re: RECAP: Why isn't FunctionalProperty a subClassOf owl:ObjectProperty?

> Just to make sure that I understand the discussion.  You are saying
> that:
>    - SymmetricProperty
>    - TransitiveProperty
>    - FunctionalProperty
> are all subclasses of rdf:Property.  Is that what the conclusion is? 

I don't think so.  The initial driver for making
TransitiveProperty a subclass of ObjectProperty in DAML+OIL
(SymmetricProperty was added for OWL) was that literals
couldn't be subjects in RDF.  That hasn't changed.

Allowing datatypes to be InverseFunctionalProperties
(similar to database keys) in OWL Full muddies the situation
a bit, but OWL Full removes the disjointness of
ObjectProperties and DatatypeProperties, so continuing to
make TransitiveProperty and SymmetricProperty a subclass of
ObjectProperty isn't a problem at any of the OWL levels.


Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 08:39:22 UTC