Re: Treating a class as both an individual and a class?

[Peter F. Patel-Schneider]

> 2/ <" rdf:ID="YYYRiver" />
>    <City rdf:ID="Davenport">
>          <hasFeature rdf:resource="#YYYRiver" />
>    </City>
>    makes Davenport a city on the YYYRiver and also an instance of
>    CityOnARiver (without mentioning CityOnARiver explicitly).

I understand this to mean that Davenport could also be inferred to be an
instance of other classes that have a "River" feature.  E.G. -

<City rdf:ID="Davenport">
          <hasFeature rdf:resource="#YYYRiver" />
          <hasFeature rdf:resource="#CleanAir" />

Now Davenport is found to be an instance of both CityOnARiver and
CityWithCleanAirOnARiver (the restriction statement for which is here
omitted).  Is this right?


Tom P

Received on Monday, 10 March 2003 23:19:51 UTC