Re: Treating a class as both an individual and a class?

From: "Roger L. Costello" <>
Subject: Re: Treating a class as both an individual and a class?
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2003 08:08:06 -0500

> Peter, I sure appreciate all of your excellent comments.  Thanks!
> > > Is this good modelling?  Does it effectively model the major 
> > > features of my hometown?  
> > 
> > No, this is not good modelling.  
> Okay then I need help then with creating an example that shows a class
> being used as both an individual and as a class.  Could you give me an
> example of the class River being used as an individual? (I already have
> many examples of using River as a class.)  /Roger

I'm probably not a good person to ask, as I don't generally do that.

However, a possible example would be modelling airline flights, where the
concept of an airline flight would be a metaclass, a flight number would be
a class (and an instance of the metaclass), and a particular flight (on a
particular day) would be a non-class instance.  You could then have
properties of flight numbers (scheduled departure, destination, etc.) and
properties of actual flights (actual departure, etc.).


Received on Monday, 10 March 2003 09:07:45 UTC