w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org from January 2004 by subject

2004-01-16 minutes delayed

2004-01-16 minutes for review

[Fwd: Your comment on the Character Model [024]]

ACTION 20040116#mime ... publishing the mimetypes doc

Agenda for RDFCore Telecon 20030130

Agenda for RDFCore Telecon 2004016

Call for agenda items for this weeks telecon

conditional regrets

Draft minutes of RDFCore telecon 20030130

editorial corrections to Primer PR

Enough Already! [was: Re: semantics typos [was Re: Post-Herman changes to RDF semantics document]

Extensional interpretation of rdfs:subClassOf?

fwd [Bug 11650] RDF/XML specification violations

New MIME type registration procedure approved

no RDF Core telcon this friday, 9Jan, right?

old copies of the RDF semantics document now rendered invisible.

Post-Herman changes to RDF semantics document

RDF Core test driven development and QA Test Doc

RDF MIME type registration

RDF semantics explosion

re mark bakers comment

regrets 30th Jan

Review of Web Architecture doc - WD-webarch-20031209

revising the semantics PR document

semantics typos [was Re: Post-Herman changes to RDF semantics document]

Telcon 16th Jan 2004

Testimonial Guidelines for RDF Recommendation Announcement


Updated semantics doc

What changes are needed for Rec?


Last message date: Friday, 30 January 2004 13:08:24 UTC