Agenda for RDFCore Telecon 2004016

10:00:00 Fri Jan 15 2004 in America/New York duration 60 minutes

which is equivalent to
15:00:00 Fri Jan 15 2004 in Europe/London

Phone: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)#7332
irc: port 6665 #rdfcore

1: scribe - volunteer needed

Please could the minutes conform to:

2: Roll Call
regrets: Graham

3: Review Agenda

4: Next telecon 17 Oct 2003 1000 Boston Time
Volunteer Scribe

5: Minutes of 12 Dec 2003 telecon


6: Confirm status of completed actions

2003-12-05#1 bwm to review that the changes to primer 2003-12-05 are ok
2003-12-05#2 daveb make the syntax changes recorded in minutes 2003-12-05
2003-12-05#3 daveb make the N-Triples document quotes change.

7: Approving minutes of this meeting

Given that there may be significant gaps between telecons in future, the
chair proposes to approve the minutes of telecons by email.  Draft minutes
will be circulated by  email as normal.  A chair will call for review of the
minutes.  The minutes will be approved subject to positive review and no
objections being sent within three days of publication of the draft.

8: AC Review Status

9: Proposed minor Changes to Primer Document

I interpret Frank as proposing:

PROPOSAL: The RDFCore WG recommends to the director that the minor editorial
fixes described in:

should be included in the version of the RDFCore Primer which is published
as a rec.  The PR document with the fixes applied can be found at:
md5: b52ef70329d35310c92e51454167e076

This references an updated figure:
md5: 51a880f6d04c60561bef948c473c54e0

An htmldiff between the PR version and the updated version can be found at:

10:  Proposed Expository Changes to the Semantics document

I interpret Pat as proposing:

PROPOSAL: The RDFCore recommends to the director that expository
improvements should be made to the RDF semantics document before it is
published as a rec.  An updated version of the PR document can be found at:
md5 2dcd2292776e8274b6e8b288dd7022fb

[[Pat this is the ed-be version you prefer - would be good to confirm I
uploaded it correctly]]

An htmldiff between this version and the PR document can be found at:
[The checksum difference is caused by updating the CVS revision number
within the doc as a diff will verify]

11: Review of TAG's Web Architecture Document

Jan and Graham have agreed to review on behalf of the WG.  Graham reports he
has started his review.  Jan?  Can we agree a date for completion of the

12: Mime-types doc:

Propose action Graham to investigate most effective means to publish.
Graham has indicated willingness to accept such an action:

13: Docs at end of RDF and RDFS schema URIs

Status?  Plans?

14: TechPlenary Update

15: Other things that need doing?

RDF Schema for XSD datatypes?  RDFCore? BPWG?

After Hours Topic: Advice to CG on postponed issues.

Received on Thursday, 15 January 2004 10:30:27 UTC