Re: Updated semantics doc

From: "Brian McBride" <>
Subject: Updated semantics doc
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 15:43:44 -0000

> Herman, Peter,
> After the flurry of recent discussion about the semantics doc, there is a
> proposal to RDFCore to consider a minor expositional change to the document
> along with some fixes to types.
> This proposal is made in the agenda for Friday's telecon, agenda item 10 of
> I would be grateful if you would look at these changes and say that they are
> acceptable to you.
> Brian

I note that the suggestion to not require all values of a datatype in a
D-interpretation, which has not been adopted, makes noticeable, significant,
and negative changes to D-entailment.   I see no reason that there could
not be a completeness lemma for D-entailment under the current model theory
for RDF datatyping.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Received on Friday, 16 January 2004 07:54:01 UTC