Re: no RDF Core telcon this friday, 9Jan, right?

Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> Brian McBride wrote:
>> b) advice to the CG about what to do about postponed issues
> Personally I prefer not to discuss postponed issues (for new recs?) 
> until we've got this one in the bag.
> As HP rep the position I represented was we did not need to resolve 
> these issues in this standardization round. For the next few weeks that 
> remains the position I wish to represent.

I was not clear.  I was not proposing we discuss resolutions of the 
issues, but suggestions to the CG of how/whether these issues might, at 
some point in the future be resolved.  For example, the WG might 
recommend to the CG that some issues are higher priority than others.

Is that a discussion you feel able to contribute to?


Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2004 13:31:01 UTC