from April 2014 by subject

[whatwg] <canvas> feedback

[whatwg] <input type=number> for year input

[whatwg] <keygen> and X509 client cert mime type

[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-scoping] CSS Scoping FPWD Published

[whatwg] [Notifications] Notification.hasPermission() instead of Notification.permission

[whatwg] [notifications][editorial] tweaking the "Activating a notification" window.focus() note

[whatwg] Add a |transient| mechanism to the notifications API

[whatwg] Additional details for invoking requestAutocomplete

[whatwg] Any plan for a TIMEOUT section on appcache manifests ?

[whatwg] BroadcastChannel should support structured clones

[whatwg] Canvas Computing text metrics

[whatwg] canvas drawImage and EXIF orientation metadata

[whatwg] Canvas normalize rect() and strokeRect()

[whatwg] Document.title for SVG documents

[whatwg] Effect on window.opener when navigating an existing window using

[whatwg] Feedback on seamless iframe attribute

[whatwg] Fwd: fallback section taking over for 4xx and 5xx responses while online

[whatwg] Grouping in canvas 2d

[whatwg] hidden attribute useless with display: flex?

[whatwg] HTML spec incorrectly suggests that <br> can have its rendering changed with CSS

[whatwg] inverse property mechanism for Microdata?

[whatwg] Media sink device selection on <audio>/<video>

[whatwg] microdata questions

[whatwg] More effective model for handling resources

[whatwg] Proposal: HTMLFormElement#requestAutocomplete() should return a Promise

[whatwg] Proposal: requestBackgroundProcessing()

[whatwg] Self-imposed script or networking restrictions (toward privacy and XSS-protection, and stimulating offline tool creation and increased but safer privilege escalation)

[whatwg] summary/details - proposal

[whatwg] Various autocomplete="" topics

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2014 23:09:33 UTC