from February 2023 by subject

[mediacapture-handle] Expose a MessagePort using Capture Handle (#70)

[mediacapture-handle] Should the handle be an object? (#68)

[mediacapture-image] new commits pushed by riju

[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Update Image Capture polyfill

[mediacapture-image] Pull Request: Update macOS support

[mediacapture-image] Update Image Capture polyfill (#299)

[mediacapture-main] Detecting user-actionable camera issues (e.g., camera shutters) (#930)

[mediacapture-main] Don't block getUserMedia on the user typing in URL bar (#934)

[mediacapture-main] First web compat issue with permissions.query() in per-camera/mic permission models (#927)

[mediacapture-main] Fitness distance steps 4 and 5 are inconsistent with the rest of the spec (#933)

[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by aboba

[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom

[mediacapture-main] new commits pushed by jan-ivar

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: query without deviceId is for access to any device of a kind.

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Update to latest ReSpec version 32.7.0

[mediacapture-main] Pull Request: Update to latest ReSpec version 32.7.1

[mediacapture-main] query without deviceId is for access to any device of a kind. (#932)

[mediacapture-main] Unclear how to associate current active device with enumerated devices (#299)

[mediacapture-main] Web compat issue with permissions.query() in non-persistent permission models (#928)

[mediacapture-main] Web compat issue with permissions.query() in per-camera/mic permission models (#927)

[mediacapture-main] Why does `navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()` require that `Document` must have active keyboard focus? (#905)

[mediacapture-output] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom

[mediacapture-record] Ability to record non-realtime / frame-by-frame (#213)

[mediacapture-record] Add keyframe interval support. (#216)

[mediacapture-record] Add replaceStream to MediaRecorder (#186)

[mediacapture-record] Add replaceTrack method to MediaRecorder. (#187)

[mediacapture-record] Add replaceTrack method to MediaStream (#167)

[mediacapture-record] Make Error Event go after ondataavailable. (#118)

[mediacapture-record] More information about timing of recording (start event, blob event, stop event) (#208)

[mediacapture-region] [QUESTION] How to pass CropTarget to chrome extension service worker? (#75)

[mediacapture-region] Prevent uncropping (#76)

[mediacapture-screen-share] Auto-pause capture when user switches captured content (#255)

[mediacapture-screen-share] Capability Delegation for getDisplayMedia() (#258)

[mediacapture-transform] How to handle varying pixel formats (#83)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Add captureTimestamp to RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata (#173)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Add rtp timestamp and capture time to RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata (#137)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Define needed data to pass between depacketizer and decoder (#174)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] make generateKeyFrame take a list of rids and return a promise<undefined> (#165)

[webrtc-encoded-transform] Pull Request: Add captureTimestamp to RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata

[webrtc-extensions] Do we need a control API for RTCP feedback mechanisms? (#143)

[webrtc-extensions] Header extension: direction woes and renames (#141)

[webrtc-extensions] need API to control audio nack & audio RTX (#119)

[webrtc-extensions] Not clear what should happen if header extensions are inconsistent across bundled transports (#140)

[webrtc-extensions] Pull Request: Update header extensions API to get-modify-set.

[webrtc-ice] Support for ICE Forking (#34)

[webrtc-identity] Broken references in Identity for WebRTC 1.0 (#40)

[webrtc-identity] Pull Request: Fix broken links

[webrtc-pc] Add internal slots for signaling state, connection state, ice gatheri… (#2826)

[webrtc-pc] Express RTCPeerConnectionState values using [[IceConnectionState]], and fix state gap (#2828)

[webrtc-pc] Maybe RTCRtpTransceiver.stop() should set [[Stopping]] if the transceiver has never been used in SDP? (#2820)

[webrtc-pc] Maybe setParameters/insertDtmf/replaceTrack should throw on [[Stopping]] as well as [[Stopped]]? (#2820)

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by alvestrand

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by caribouW3

[webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by dontcallmedom

[webrtc-pc] ongatheringstatechange references wrong ICE gathering state (#2825)

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add internal slots for signaling state, connection state, ice gatheri…

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Express RTCPeerConnectionState values using [[IceConnectionState]], and fix state gap

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: setParameters(), replaceTrack(), & insertDTMF() reject after stop().

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update README

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update title of spec, removing 1.0 and making it 'in' rather than 'between' browsers

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update to ReSpec version 32.7.0

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update to ReSpec version 32.7.1

[webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Use markup convnetions for algorithms

[webrtc-pc] RTCDataChannel.send during 'closing' state (#1827)

[webrtc-pc] RTCSctpTransport.maxMessageSize is a floating point type (#2822)

[webrtc-pc] setParameters(), replaceTrack(), & insertDTMF() reject after stop(). (#2829)

[webrtc-pc] State gaps in connectionState algorithm (#2827)

[webrtc-pc] Use markup conventions for algorithms (#2818)

[webrtc-pc] Use markup convnetions for algorithms (#2818)

[webrtc-pc] Why is RTCIceCandidatePairStats.totalRoundTripTime mandatory to implement, but not responsesReceived? (#2819)

[webrtc-stats] Add RTCInboundRtpStreamStats:decoderFallback (#725)

[webrtc-stats] editorial: fix decoderImplementation idl reference (#734)

[webrtc-stats] Expose powerEfficientEncoder/Decoder if MediaCapabilities allows it (#732)

[webrtc-stats] Impact of Stereo input and output on metrics (#686)

[webrtc-stats] Interframe delay stat for video receive stream. (#229)

[webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by henbos

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: editorial: fix decoderImplementation idl reference

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Expose powerEfficientEncoder/Decoder if MediaCapabilities allows it

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: mark totalInterFrameDelay and totalSquaredInterFrameDelay as video-only

[webrtc-stats] Pull Request: specifiy inbound-rtp RTX statistics

[webrtc-stats] scalabilityMode: Same as in getParameters() or not? (#731)

[webrtc-stats] specifiy inbound-rtp RTX statistics (#735)

[webrtc-stats] The HW exposure check does not solve Cloud Gaming use cases (#730)

[webrtc-svc] Add missing modes to the table (#84)

[webrtc-svc] Addition of mode L3T1_KEY to table (#82)

[webrtc-svc] L3T1_KEY is missing from the table, but not the diagram section (#81)

[webrtc-svc] new commits pushed by aboba

[webrtc-svc] Other modes missing from the table (#83)

[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Add missing modes to the table

[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Addition of mode L3T1_KEY to table

[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Allow 'S' modes with only a single active layer

[webrtc-svc] Pull Request: Minor fix for simulcast with L1T3 sample code.

[webrtc-svc] Refine error conditions for use of 'S' modes (#86)

[webrtc-svc] S modes and a single active simulcast layer (#73)

[webrtc-svc] Why is scalabilityMode not an enum? (#87)

Closed: [mediacapture-main] Web compat issue with permissions.query() in per-camera/mic permission models (#927)

Closed: [mediacapture-output] Spec uses settings object's responsible document which was removed (#132)

Closed: [mediacapture-record] Add replaceTrack method to MediaStream (#167)

Closed: [mediacapture-region] [QUESTION] How to pass CropTarget to chrome extension service worker? (#75)

Closed: [webrtc-extensions] Not clear what should happen if header extensions are inconsistent across bundled transports (#140)

Closed: [webrtc-stats] Interframe delay stat for video receive stream. (#229)

Closed: [webrtc-svc] L3T1_KEY is missing from the table, but not the diagram section (#81)

Closed: [webrtc-svc] Other modes missing from the table (#83)

Closed: [webrtc-svc] S modes and a single active simulcast layer (#73)

Closed: [webrtc-svc] Why is scalabilityMode not an enum? (#87)

Last message date: Tuesday, 28 February 2023 19:40:00 UTC