Adam Bergkvist via GitHub
alex gouaillard via GitHub
Andreas Pehrson via GitHub
Bernard Aboba via GitHub
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Move Section 4.4 State Definitions before 4.3 RTCPeerConnection (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 4.4: State Definitions (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Section 4.2.6: remove informative sentences (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Section 6.4: Datachannel Garbage Collection (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: intertone gap maximum (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Section 7.2: infinite intertone gap (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Section 6.4: Datachannel Garbage Collection (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: WEBRTC-LOGINDONE (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Section 9.4: peerIdentity mismatches (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Section 10.4.1: target peerIdentity (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 11.6: Diagram (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 11: Examples (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 10.4.1: target peerIdentity (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 4.2.3 (createOffer) (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 4.3.1 (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 4.2.6 (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 4.2.2 (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Events not bubbling (Wednesday, 31 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Inconsistencies in Asynchronous Task Queueing (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Need to resolve if we reference ICE or ICEbis (Tuesday, 30 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 25 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] Can we directly link to WebRTC-Stats for RTCStatsType? (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] API to access certificate of remote side (Tuesday, 23 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Units for maxFramerate (Thursday, 18 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 18 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] editorial: add subsubsubsections to operation description? (Thursday, 18 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 18 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] editorial: p2p data transfer is a facet of video conferencing (Thursday, 18 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 18 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 18 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need getAlgorithm() at all? (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need getAlgorithm() at all? (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] audioLevel of tracks, both send and receive? (Thursday, 11 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove getAlgorithm() (Thursday, 11 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 11 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] Related attributes should be updated at the same time (in the same microtask checkpoint?) (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] createAnswer: disambiguate blob (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate: component attribute missing? (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] `ssrc` in `RTCRtpEncodingParameters` is inconsistent with ORTC (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] degradationPreference shouldn't have a default at the WebIDL level (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Need to describe when ICE and DTLS transport objects are created/changed (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Are camelCase codec parameters useful at all? (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: maxFramerate type double (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] type of maxFramerate (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need getAlgorithm() at all? (Thursday, 4 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Remove getAlgorithm() (Thursday, 4 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 4 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 4 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] Use [SameObject] for the FrozenArray<T> attributes that never change (Thursday, 4 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by aboba (Thursday, 4 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] RTCRtpContributingSource naming (Thursday, 4 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Do we need getAlgorithm() at all? (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] DTLS failures (Thursday, 4 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 12: Missing WebIDL in RTCError (Thursday, 4 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Move Issue 1 text to a note (Wednesday, 3 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Issue 1: Key shortening (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add more detail about how getParameters and setParameters work. (Tuesday, 2 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Handling encoding parameter errors (Monday, 1 May)
Cullen Jennings via GitHub
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] Need to resolve if we reference ICE or ICEbis (Tuesday, 30 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Spec has reference to WEBIDL-1 and WEBIDL (Monday, 29 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Spec has reference to WEBIDL-1 and WEBIDL (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Spec has reference to WEBIDL-1 and WEBIDL (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Need to resolve if we reference STUn or STUnbis (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Failure of transmission of isolated stream (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Clarity in section 9.7 example 11 (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Lifetime of pc.PeerIdentity (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] DTFM payout algorithm does not specify comma handling (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Does insertDTMF append to or replace the current tone buffer (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] How to find what keyGenAlgorithm values the browser supports? (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] MTI specification of crypto for certs (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Section 4.4.4 closed state (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Error for when peer identity is wrong (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] lastOffer on the PC (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] invalid SDP for the state (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: clean up logic to support removal of RTCP mux "negotiated" value (Monday, 29 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Need to identify if changes affect JSEP or MSID specs (Monday, 29 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Rollback: a feature "at risk"? (Monday, 29 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Race condition between createOffer and setIdentityProvider (Monday, 29 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] maximum bandwidth: TIAS or AS? (Monday, 29 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] move "set a configuration" algorithm (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: remove note about identity is at risk (Monday, 29 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] API to access certificate of remote side (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] API to access certificate of remote side (Wednesday, 24 May)
- [webrtc-pc] API to access certificate of remote side (Tuesday, 23 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Define the unit used for framerates and maxframerates (Monday, 15 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: revert PR#1108 (Saturday, 6 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Update RTCCertificate ref to get serializer from WebIDL (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Handling encoding parameter errors (Tuesday, 2 May)
Daniel Burnett via GitHub
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] degradationPreference shouldn't have a default at the WebIDL level (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by burnburn (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by burnburn (Thursday, 25 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate: component attribute missing? (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by burnburn (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by burnburn (Thursday, 25 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] Need to specify which members of the encodings in "sendEncodings" are actually used (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] operation: add subsections (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] intro: increase scope to general p2p (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] editorial: createOffer description (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] editorial: currentLocalDescription getting updates with candidates (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] editorial: update the ice gathering state: firing icecandidate with null is a legacy hack (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] editorial: add subsubsubsections to operation description? (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] editorial: 4.3.1 Operation "settled" is not defined (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] editorial: p2p data transfer is a facet of video conferencing (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Some JSEP "applying a description" steps can't occur in parallel. (Thursday, 11 May)
Dominique Hazael-Massieux via GitHub
ekr via GitHub
henbos via GitHub
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Can we directly link to WebRTC-Stats for RTCStatsType? (Friday, 19 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Audio/Video sync follow-up (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Audio/Video sync follow-up (Friday, 12 May)
- [webrtc-stats] Audio/Video sync follow-up (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] adding total consent interval (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCIceCandidatePairStats.last[Request/Response]Timestamp added (Thursday, 11 May)
- [webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by henbos (Thursday, 11 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-stats] Add stat to RTCTransportStats for ICE role (controlling or controlled) (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Stats to keep track of sync between audio and video (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] jitter buffer delay added to media stream tracks (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] jitter buffer delay added to media stream tracks (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] adding total consent interval (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.audioLevel clarification (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.audioLevel clarification (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Add paragraph about timestamp and reference DOMHighResTimeStamp (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-stats] Pull Request: RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.voiceActivityFlag added. (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-stats] Pull Request: RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.audioLevel: Reference RTCRtpSynchronizationSource (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by henbos (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-stats] Stat for how many audio stream packets are expanded when packets are lost (and lost and the user is speaking) (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Spec-compliant way to get remote streams and tracks? (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need getAlgorithm() at all? (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.concealedAudioSamples (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Added RTCInboundRTPStreamStats sample counters. (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Tuesday, 2 May)
Iñaki Baz Castillo via GitHub
jan-ivar via GitHub
- [webrtc-pc] pc.removeTrack(receiver) should throw an error. (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Spec-compliant way to get remote streams and tracks? (Friday, 26 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Spec-compliant way to get remote streams and tracks? (Friday, 26 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Terminology around "setting" attributes may be incorrect (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- [webrtc-pc] transceiver.direction isn't initialized. (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- [webrtc-pc] setDirection needs an internal slot and an algorithm. (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Stream IDs MUST be generated according to mediacapture-main, but webrtc-pc contradicts this (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Tuesday, 9 May)
- [webrtc-pc] End removed tracks remotely again; Make receiver.track nullable instead (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add paragraph about RtpContributingSources being updated simultaneously. (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] The "set an RTCSessionDescription" algorithm is unreferenced (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Wednesday, 3 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Monday, 1 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Monday, 1 May)
jianjunz via GitHub
Kagami Sascha Rosylight via GitHub
karthikbr82 via GitHub
Lennart Grahl via GitHub
lennart-csio via GitHub
linSir via GitHub
Martin Thomson via GitHub
misi via GitHub
notedit via GitHub
Philip Jägenstedt via GitHub
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Lack of validation in RTCIceCandidate constructor (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Should the spec describe addStream/onaddstream as legacy API? (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Should the spec describe addStream/onaddstream as legacy API? (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Should the spec describe addStream/onaddstream as legacy API? (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Should the spec describe addStream/onaddstream as legacy API? (Monday, 15 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Lack of validation in RTCIceCandidate constructor (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Lack of validation in RTCIceCandidate constructor (Friday, 5 May)
- [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 5 May)
- [webrtc-pc] The "set an RTCSessionDescription" algorithm is unreferenced (Wednesday, 3 May)
Philipp Hancke via GitHub
- Re: [webrtc-pc] move "set a configuration" algorithm (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] RTCConfiguration.iceServers with undefined? (Sunday, 28 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTP/RTCP mux -> RTCP mux (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] RTCDtlsTransport: why is there no getLocalCertificates? (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] maximum bandwidth: TIAS or AS? (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] setParameters woes (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] setParameters woes (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: RTP/RTCP mux -> RTCP mux (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] processing remote MediaStreamTracks -- stopping the transceiver to reject them (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] empty attribute descriptions in ice description (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceConnectionEventInit: url is nullable (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] editorial: move video cropping algorithm from rtpsender interface section (Wednesday, 24 May)
- [webrtc-pc] rtcsessiondescription: attributes are not mutable (Wednesday, 24 May)
- [webrtc-pc] rtp media api: when is a receiver created (Wednesday, 24 May)
- [webrtc-pc] editorial: media api introduction (Wednesday, 24 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: RTCIceConnectionEventInit: url is nullable (Wednesday, 24 May)
- [webrtc-pc] which ice-tcp types will a browser emit? (Wednesday, 24 May)
- [webrtc-pc] legacy error handling (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] API to access certificate of remote side (Wednesday, 24 May)
- [webrtc-pc] setRemoteDescription error when rtcpMuxPolicy=negotiate is not implemented (Wednesday, 24 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: move "set a configuration" algorithm (Monday, 22 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] editorial: move "set a configuration" to operation section (Monday, 22 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Should the spec describe addStream/onaddstream as legacy API? (Sunday, 21 May)
- [webrtc-pc] legacy methods: when are they called? (Sunday, 21 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: operation: add subsections (Wednesday, 17 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: intro: increase scope to general p2p (Wednesday, 17 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: reorder createOffer/createAnswer paragraphs (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] addIceCandidate end of candidates woes (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] addIceCandidate end of candidates woes (Monday, 15 May)
- [webrtc-pc] addIceCandidate end of candidates woes (Sunday, 14 May)
- [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate: how is extensibility handled? (Saturday, 13 May)
- [webrtc-pc] ufrag vs usernameFragment (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Need to describe when ICE and DTLS transport objects are created/changed (Friday, 12 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] what is the component for a icetransport of a datachannel? (Thursday, 11 May)
- [webrtc-pc] editorial: move "set a configuration" to operation section (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceServer "represents a TURN server" (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-pc] RTCIceServer "represents a TURN server" (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Stream IDs MUST be generated according to mediacapture-main, but webrtc-pc contradicts this (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Spec-compliant way to get remote streams and tracks? (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] editorial: createOffer description (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-pc] editorial: currentLocalDescription getting updates with candidates (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-pc] update the ice gathering state: firing icecandidate with null is a legacy hack (Tuesday, 9 May)
- [webrtc-pc] editorial: add subsubsubsections to operation description? (Tuesday, 9 May)
- [webrtc-pc] editorial: 4.3.1 Operation "settled" is not defined (Tuesday, 9 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: editorial: introduction: explain signaling process (Tuesday, 9 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: createAnswer: disambiguate blob (Tuesday, 9 May)
- [webrtc-pc] editorial: terminology of Blob and "blob of SDP" (Tuesday, 9 May)
- [webrtc-pc] editorial: p2p data transfer is a facet of video conferencing (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Spec-compliant way to get remote streams and tracks? (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate: component attribute missing? (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] `ssrc` in `RTCRtpEncodingParameters` is inconsistent with ORTC (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Adding note about legacy `createAnswer` not supporting options dict. (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: RTCIceCandidate: add component (Saturday, 6 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate: component attribute missing? (Friday, 5 May)
- [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate: component attribute missing? (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Wednesday, 3 May)
- [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Tuesday, 2 May)
Rick Waldron via GitHub
Soares Chen via GitHub
- [webrtc-pc] Missing steps on handling direction argument in addTransceiver (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add detailed steps for constructing RTCIceCandidate (Monday, 29 May)
- [webrtc-pc] [[associated MediaStreams]] and [[send encodings]] internal slots for RTCRtpSender are not used (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] addIceCandidate may add ice candidate to the wrong remote description (Monday, 22 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add detailed steps for constructing RTCIceCandidate (Monday, 22 May)
- [webrtc-pc] RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent constructor validation (Monday, 22 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add detailed steps for constructing RTCIceCandidate (Friday, 19 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Confusion on currentRemoteDescription.sdp need not match remoteDescription.sdp (Friday, 19 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] addIceCandidate may add ice candidate to the wrong remote description (Friday, 19 May)
- [webrtc-pc] addIceCandidate may add ice candidate to the wrong remote description (Friday, 19 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Fix optional indicator for RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit argument (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Default ufrag for addIceCandidate when there are different ufrags in SDP (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Default ufrag for addIceCandidate when there are different ufrags in SDP (Thursday, 18 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Default ufrag for addIceCandidate when there are different ufrags in SDP (Wednesday, 17 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Race condition in enqueue an operation (Wednesday, 17 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Missing References to JSEP spec (Wednesday, 17 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Clarify addIceCandidate behavior when adding candidate after end of candidate (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] addIceCandidate end of candidates woes (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Tuesday, 16 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 12 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Lack of validation in RTCIceCandidate constructor (Friday, 5 May)
stefan hakansson via GitHub
- Re: [webrtc-pc] ufrag vs usernameFragment (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Failure of transmission of isolated stream (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceConnectionEventInit: url is nullable (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Use data-cite for RTCStatsType (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-pc] `parameters` not defined in `setParameters` algotrithm (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Removing WebIDL defaults for various RTP parameters. (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Update for structured cloning changes in HTML (Friday, 19 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Fix optional indicator for RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit argument (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] intro: increase scope to general p2p (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Throw error if data channel's buffer is filled, rather than closing. (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add bufferSize attribute to RTCDataChannel. (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Invalid RTCRtpTransceiverDirection already throws TypeError. (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate: add component (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Update structured cloning for recent changes to HTML (Friday, 12 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Need to identify if changes affect JSEP or MSID specs (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Lack of validation in RTCIceCandidate constructor (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Should the spec describe addStream/onaddstream as legacy API? (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Fix the type of iceCandidatePoolSize in description (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] maxFramerate type double (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Expanding RTCPeerConnection introduction. (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Adding more detail to RTCIceTransportPolicy enum descriptions. (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] End removed tracks remotely again; Make receiver.track nullable instead (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Update RTCCertificate ref to get serializer from WebIDL (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Update structured cloning for recent changes to HTML (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] How do applications know a DataChannel's buffer capacity, so they can avoid filling it? (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add link to iceRestart. (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] DTLS failures (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Split getContributingSources into two methods, for CSRCs and SSRCs. (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] FrozenArray, sequence and SameObject (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Handling encoding parameter errors (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Prepare status of the document for CR publication (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Fix optional indicator for RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit argument (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Move Issue 1 text to a note (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] strawman text to show how unverified media would work (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Specify an AllowUnverifiedMedia RTCConfiguration property (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-pc] Specify an AllowUnverifiedMedia RTCConfiguration property (Tuesday, 2 May)
Taylor Brandstetter via GitHub
- Re: [webrtc-pc] setRemoteDescription error when rtcpMuxPolicy is "require" and SDP is missing "a=rtcp-mux" (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTP/RTCP mux -> RTCP mux (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] maximum bandwidth: TIAS or AS? (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTP/RTCP mux -> RTCP mux (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Removing WebIDL defaults for various RTP parameters. (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Need some way of getting an averaged audio level stat (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Need some way of getting an averaged audio level stat (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] editorial: media api introduction (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] which ice-tcp types will a browser emit? (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] setRemoteDescription error when rtcpMuxPolicy=negotiate is not implemented (Wednesday, 24 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Adding audio level stat that can be used to compute averages. (Tuesday, 23 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Issue 1: Key shortening (Monday, 22 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Removing WebIDL defaults for various RTP parameters. (Sunday, 21 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Issue 1: Key shortening (Friday, 19 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] addIceCandidate may add ice candidate to the wrong remote description (Friday, 19 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Some JSEP "applying a description" steps can't occur in parallel. (Friday, 19 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Removing WebIDL defaults for various RTP parameters. (Friday, 19 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Issue 1: Key shortening (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Throw error if data channel's buffer is filled, rather than closing. (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add more detail about how getParameters and setParameters work. (Thursday, 18 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Invalid value for maxBitrate (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Race condition in enqueue an operation (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Default ufrag for addIceCandidate when there are different ufrags in SDP (Wednesday, 17 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Need to describe when ICE and DTLS transport objects are created/changed (Friday, 12 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Throw error if data channel's buffer is filled, rather than closing. (Friday, 12 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add bufferSize attribute to RTCDataChannel. (Friday, 12 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate constructor should not require sdpMid/sdpMLineIndex (Friday, 12 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Setting a remote description may cause discontinuity due to codec switching. (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- [webrtc-stats] Pull Request: Adding audio level stat that can be used to compute averages. (Thursday, 11 May)
- [webrtc-stats] Need some way of getting an averaged audio level stat (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.audioLevel clarification (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] adding total consent interval (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.audioLevel clarification (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Need DSCP information for outgoing RTP streams (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Adding RTCRTPContributingSourceStats stats report object. (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] does MSID still work? (was: example 13: getReceivers semantics) (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Stream IDs MUST be generated according to mediacapture-main, but webrtc-pc contradicts this (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Stream IDs MUST be generated according to mediacapture-main, but webrtc-pc contradicts this (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-stats] Should document what RTCRTPStreamStats metrics are valid when `isRemote` is true. (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Should document what RTCRTPStreamStats metrics are valid when `isRemote` is true. (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Race condition between createOffer and setIdentityProvider (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Race condition between createOffer and setIdentityProvider (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] End removed tracks remotely again; Make receiver.track nullable instead (Tuesday, 9 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate: component attribute missing? (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] degradationPreference shouldn't have a default at the WebIDL level (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Need to describe when ICE and DTLS transport objects are created/changed (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Some JSEP "applying a description" steps can't occur in parallel. (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] new commits pushed by taylor-b (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Adding more detail to RTCIceCandidatePolicy enum descriptions. (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Expanding RTCPeerConnection introduction. (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] `ssrc` in `RTCRtpEncodingParameters` is inconsistent with ORTC (Monday, 8 May)
- [webrtc-pc] degradationPreference shouldn't have a default at the WebIDL level (Sunday, 7 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add paragraph about RtpContributingSources being updated simultaneously. (Sunday, 7 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Adding note about legacy `createAnswer` not supporting options dict. (Sunday, 7 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] RTCIceCandidate: component attribute missing? (Friday, 5 May)
- [webrtc-pc] RTP Media API section should describe how tracks for senders/receivers relate to each other. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Friday, 5 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Remove paragraph about removeTrack causing track to be ended remotely. (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Friday, 5 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Do we need getAlgorithm() at all? (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add paragraph about RtpContributingSources being updated simultaneously. (Thursday, 4 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Do we need a "trackremoved" event? (Thursday, 4 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] legacy createAnswer: support for answerOptions? (Tuesday, 2 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add more detail about how getParameters and setParameters work. (Monday, 1 May)
- [webrtc-pc] Pull Request: Add paragraph about RtpContributingSources being updated simultaneously. (Monday, 1 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] Add more detail about how getParameters and setParameters work. (Monday, 1 May)
Tim Panton via GitHub
Tobie Langel via GitHub
Varun Singh via GitHub
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Need some way of getting an averaged audio level stat (Wednesday, 31 May)
- Re: [webrtc-pc] setParameters woes (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Need some way of getting an averaged audio level stat (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Need some way of getting an averaged audio level stat (Thursday, 25 May)
- [webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by vr000m (Thursday, 25 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCMediaStreamTrackStats.concealedAudibleSamples added. (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] adding total consent interval (Thursday, 11 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Adds RTCTransportStats.iceRole (Thursday, 11 May)
- [webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by vr000m (Thursday, 11 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-stats] Stats report for RTCRtpContributingSource objects (Thursday, 11 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-stats] Reuse of "inbound-rtp" and "outbound-rtp" for RTCP is confusing. (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] RTCIceCandidatePairStats.last[Request/Response]Timestamp added (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-stats] Need priority information for MediaStreamTracks (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by vr000m (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-stats] Pull Request: jitter buffer delay added to media stream tracks (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-stats] Pull Request: timestamps need for #61 (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Need DSCP information for outgoing RTP streams (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by vr000m (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Closed: [webrtc-stats] RTCCodecStats needs `transportId` and `isRemote` to give it context (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Adding RTCRTPContributingSourceStats stats report object. (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Should document what RTCRTPStreamStats metrics are valid when `isRemote` is true. (Wednesday, 10 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Added RTCInboundRTPStreamStats sample counters. (Wednesday, 10 May)
- [webrtc-stats] new commits pushed by vr000m (Monday, 8 May)
- Re: [webrtc-stats] Adding "codec type" and transportId to RTCCodecStats. (Monday, 8 May)
Vivien Lacourba via GitHub
W3C ReSpec Updater via GitHub
youennf via GitHub
Last message date: Wednesday, 31 May 2017 22:38:06 UTC