Actions taken by HTA (Re: Notes, June 11)
Agenda delayed
Agenda, June 11
Agenda, June 18
Agenda, June 25 2015
Agenda, June 4
Assignment of items (Re: Agenda, June 25 2015)
Idea: List of open items to list with "list discussion needed"?
Inviting new editor-to-be: Peter Saint-Andre
JSEP and SetLD/RD (Re: Agenda, June 18)
MediaStream and HTMLMediaElement
New version of webrtc-pc should be published
Notes, June 11
Notes, June 4
PR #171 is merged
PR 225 display of spec
Status on the new error text?
Update on a couple of items (Re: Notes, June 11)
Vacation timing?
Last message date: Sunday, 28 June 2015 22:33:20 UTC