- From: Dan Burnett <dburnett@voxeo.com>
- Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 12:21:03 -0400
- To: public-webrtc-editors@w3.org
Editors, I have created a branch in my burnburn fork that changes the MediaStreamErrorEvent into an OverconstrainedErrorEvent. I will make a pull request as soon as we can merge PR #194. You can see the key changes (assuming PR 194 gets merged) here: https://github.com/burnburn/mediacapture-main/compare/overconstrainederror...burnburn:overconstrainederrorevent This change should be safe to make if we approve my new PR #199, but both that one and this change should probably have list review first. I will explain in tomorrow's call. -- dan
Received on Wednesday, 24 June 2015 16:21:33 UTC