from October 2006 by subject

(XMLHttpRequest 2) Third proposal for cross-site extensions to XMLHttpRequest

[comment-rex] General comment

[comment-rex] Mutation events

[comment-rex] recursivity of a rex element

[comment-rex] result of an event

[comment-rex] XPath interoperability

[selectors-api] Introduction with more background

[selectors-api] Security Considerations and stability

[XMLHttpReqest] Introduction Wording

Clarification: Liaison from JSR 280

comments on Selectors API WD

Comprehensive List of Implementations for Testing

Do we really need for an history section?

Excessive techno-babble

Fwd: Liaison from JSR-287/280

How DOMError and DOMLocator operates?

HTTP Method list in new XMLHttpRequest draft

ISSUE-88: AJAX (and serious use of javascript in general) b0rks history, bookmarks, etc

ISSUE-95: D3C: namespace algorithms vs xml: and xmlns:

ISSUE-96: What happens if a Node StaticNodeList points to no longer exists?

ISSUE-97: DocumentWindow section says it applies to Window

ISSUE-98: open(): requesting a URI with a fragment identifier

Liaison from JSR-287/280

Multiple Open of the XMLHttpRequest object

Network spec delayed

PAG for REX?

REX and File Upload published

The url parameter of the method

typing of drag/drop objects in clipboard

Wrapped implementations of XHR in script

XMLHttpRequest examples (was: Re: REX and File Upload published)

XMLHTTPRequest Issue on behaviour when method not supported

XMLHTTPRequest: HTTP 303 response must be visible to caller

XMLHttpRequest: URI argument for the open() method

XMLHttpRequest: Why list HTTP method names

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 October 2006 13:31:38 UTC