Re: XMLHTTPRequest: HTTP 303 response must be visible to caller

On Sat, 09 Sep 2006 01:20:00 +0200, L. David Baron <>  
> While I was looking at the spec [2], I noticed that a number of things
> in it are ambiguous when redirects are involved.  In particular, I
> noticed that the status and statusText properties are not clearly
> defined (which status?), and it is not clear whether
> getAllResponseHeaders includes headers from all redirection steps
> (although it seems clear for getResponseHeader).

So do browsers actually leave readyState 2 when encountering a redirect?  
If they go to 3 in between or so there might be some issue, otherwise I  
don't think there is except perhaps for some note that indicates that  
browsers mustn't go to readyState 3 in case of a redirect. Would something  
like that work?

>> [2]

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Sunday, 15 October 2006 22:05:26 UTC