Re: PAG for REX?

On Oct 30, 2006, at 13:28, Arthur Barstow wrote:
> Does this mean a Patent Advisory Group (PAG) will be formed (per  
> [W3C-PP])?

In theory, yes.

> If yes, when will the PAG be formed?

We don't know, that is the Director's discretion.

> P.S. My apologies if this is the wrong mail list for my query but  
> please do advise me of the appropriate list.

This list is fine, but some aspects of PAG-related business are  
naturally confidential so I recommend that you get in touch with the  
Chair directly.

Robin Berjon -
  - Will we have donkeys?
  - All you can eat!
             -- She-Bender & Calculon, Futurama

Received on Monday, 30 October 2006 14:35:35 UTC