Re: REX and File Upload published

> Hi folks, there is a new working draft of REX [1], and a first public
> working draft of file upload, for your delectation.
> [2]

A few comments on File Upload:

The File interface
* Lacks a method for treating files as streams instead of atoms. Being
able to explicitly treat the file as a string is probably better for very
large files
* getDataAsString probably needs to take a second argument with the
default encoding of the file
* Binary files read as String should probably raise an exception if the
file contains contain unprintable characters
* What should happen when you read a file as String, and the resulting
string contains an illegal byte sequence (ISO-8859-1 attempted parsed as
UTF8 being the prime example.)

Further, the File Dialog is a bit confusing:
* Couldn't an <input type="file"> be used instead, since invoking this
dialog without user interaction is probably a bad idea security-wise?
* I further believe there are legitimate uses for making entire folders
available (possibly including subfolders). How should this be handled?

Arve Bersvendsen, Opera Software ASA,

Received on Saturday, 28 October 2006 03:41:58 UTC