Re: HTTP Method list in new XMLHttpRequest draft

"Anne van Kesteren" <> writes:

> On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 20:14:53 +0200, Mark Baker <> wrote:
>> Yah - I recommended having the whitelist consist of just GET and POST.
>>  I'm wary of much longer lists because it might suggest that we've
>> somehow vetted the operations, when that's not the case.
> I included PUT, DELETE and HEAD as well. HEAD is mentioned on multiple
> other locations and the other two are relevant for the
> case-insensitive  matching.

I've been reading the archives with interest and decided to subscribe
to this list. I'm impressed with this WG's honest attempt to discover
the behavior of current implementations and base its Recommendation on
that, as opposed to some WGs that seem to be more interested in design
by committee.

The archives of this list have a lot of information on current state
of the art, but much of it is scattered. Is there a page that
summarizes the implemented features in different UAs somewhere? In
particular (here's the bit relevant to this thread) I'm looking for a
list of methods the different implementations currently support.


Elections only count as free and trials as fair if you can lose money
betting on the outcome.

Received on Monday, 2 October 2006 02:50:13 UTC