from August 2016 by subject

[svgwg] "paint-order" property should apply to the same elements as "fill" and "stroke" properties

[svgwg] Add <use> to the graphics elements category

[svgwg] Add stub pages to SVG 2 for chapters that have been moved to separate specs

[svgwg] Add text-transform property to the list of required CSS properties

[svgwg] Adjust stroke/fill to be compatible with proposed Fill & Stroke spec

[svgwg] Attributes and properties that allow <length> value should also allow <number> and <percentage>

[svgwg] Attributes that allow <length> value should also allow <number> and <percentage>

[svgwg] Consider if XSL references can be removed

[svgwg] Consider removal SVGViewElement and its interface

[svgwg] Consider rewriting 'references to external resources' processing mode feature

[svgwg] Correct syntax for viewBox to allow comma-separated numbers

[svgwg] Cut down number of categories

[svgwg] Define a style switch to allow one-dimensional shapes to render strokes, markers, etc.

[svgwg] Define equivalent paths for degenerate shapes

[svgwg] Define how object-fit and object-position interact with preserveAspectRatio

[svgwg] Do min/max-width/height properties constrain SVG geometry?

[svgwg] Geometry properties should allow <number> value

[svgwg] image-rendering property should apply to <image>, not shapes

[svgwg] Issue: "paint-order" property should apply to the same elements as "fill" and "stroke" properties marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: <script> and <style> content model should allow only character data. marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: <style> should be allowed everywhere where <script> is allowed marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Add <use> to the graphics elements category marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Adjust stroke/fill to be compatible with proposed Fill & Stroke spec marked as Needs editing

[svgwg] Issue: Allow percentages in fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, & stop-opacity, to match CSS WG changes marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Allow transforms on textPath marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Attributes and properties that allow <length> value should also allow <number> and <percentage> marked as Paint Servers chapter

[svgwg] Issue: Check whether behaviour of new CSS3 units needs clarification in SVG context marked as DoC_deferred

[svgwg] Issue: Clarify what is the size of a use element if width and height are not specified marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Clarify whether 'filter' attribute is valid for <tspan> elements marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Clean up language re <title>/<desc> and tooltips marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Consider removal SVGViewElement and its interface marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Consider rewriting 'references to external resources' processing mode feature marked as Needs editing

[svgwg] Issue: Correct syntax for viewBox to allow comma-separated numbers marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: css-transforms-2 may clash with SVG's rotate, scale, and translate attributes marked as DoC_rejected

[svgwg] Issue: Cut down number of categories marked as Entire spec

[svgwg] Issue: Define a style switch to allow one-dimensional shapes to render strokes, markers, etc. marked as Future wish list

[svgwg] Issue: Define equivalent paths for degenerate shapes marked as SVG Paths

[svgwg] Issue: Define how meshes are rendered when children of shapes marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Define how object-fit and object-position interact with preserveAspectRatio marked as Needs WG input

[svgwg] Issue: Define interaction of markerUnits="strokeWidth" and non-scaling-stroke marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Define purpose of other namespaced markup in <title> and <desc> marked as DoC_rejected

[svgwg] Issue: Define what element is returned by SVGSVGElement.getElementById when id duplicated marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Deprecate <cursor> element marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Do min/max-width/height properties constrain SVG geometry? marked as Geometry Properties chapter

[svgwg] Issue: Does conditional processing mute sound playback? marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Fix the “the the” typos marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: How should degenerate closed paths render in SVG ? marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: How should text following <textPath> be positioned? marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: image-rendering property should apply to <image>, not shapes marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Incorrect syntax for <tspan>´s attributes marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Initial value for the 'rx' and 'ry' properties marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" is a BAD idea marked as DoC_rejected

[svgwg] Issue: Limit pattern & gradient attributes that are inheritable using href marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Mark "paint-order" property as inheritable in the property index marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Mark "width" and "height" attributes on <image> as animatable marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Marked-up text from other namespaces in <title> and <desc> marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Marker section seems to be missing some changes marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Move path interrogation functions to SVGGeometryElement marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Multilingual titles and ARIA fallbacks don't work well together marked as DoC_deferred

[svgwg] Issue: Possible to use `<use xlink:href="#id">` in the presence of an HTML `<base>` element? marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Provide text-to-path-data conversion method marked as Future wish list

[svgwg] Issue: Remove <image>, <use>, <iframe>, <video>, <audio>, <foreignObject> from the content model of <use> element marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Remove any mention of "outline of canvas" marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Remove paint server elements from the content model of <solidcolor>, <linearGradient>, <radialGradient> and <mesh> marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Remove support for "rev" attribute on <a> element marked as Needs WG input

[svgwg] Issue: Remove SVGZoomEvent? marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Request for clarification on complex text shaping marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Require HTML 5 parser to correctly parse embedded HTML elements marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Restore SVGSVGElement.prototype.getElementById marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Result for a value of zero for pathLength is undefined marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: rootElement IDL attribute type should allow null marked as Document structure chapter

[svgwg] Issue: Shorter equivalent path for the <circle> element marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Shorter equivalent path for the <rect> element marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Should bounding box of svg, image, foreignObject, etc include overflow content? marked as Needs WG input

[svgwg] Issue: Should some SVG 2 list type syntax definitions include a trailing comma? marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: should UA style sheet have a rule for visited link color? marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Shouldn't gradientTransform precede object bounding box to user space conversion? marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Simplify <image> element content model marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Spec synthesis of viewBox/preserveAspectRatio for viewBox-less SVGs in image contexts marked as SVG Core

[svgwg] Issue: Specify if `getComputedTextLength()` should return a float or an integer marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Support SVG 1.1 baseline value for baseline-shift marked as Needs WG input

[svgwg] Issue: SVG element names should not mix camelCase and lowercase notations marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: SVG Image size conflicts with size property and CSS style marked as Geometry Properties chapter

[svgwg] Issue: SVG2 Implementation note: figure 6.3.1 not Formatting/rendering marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: SVGDiscardeElement in IDL index links to SVGDescElement marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: is defined by CSSOM marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: SVGSVGElement referenceElement arguments should be nullable marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Triage all issues from Tracker marked as Tools

[svgwg] Issue: Two questions about the `<a>` element marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Unit of numbers in path data marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: Update getNumberOfChars() definition marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Use "HTML" instead of "HTML5" marked as Entire spec

[svgwg] Issue: Use a single-case name for meshGradient marked as DoC_positiveResponse

[svgwg] Issue: Value for SVGURIReference.href.animVal when 'xlink:href' is specified (but not 'href') marked as DoC_accepted

[svgwg] Issue: What should happen regarding 1.2 Tiny features that are not mentioned in SVG2 spec? marked as DoC_deferred

[svgwg] Issue: window.SVGDocument alias is probably not needed for web compat marked as DoC_noResponse

[svgwg] Issue: x/y/width/height attributes on HTML elements marked as Embedded Content chapter

[svgwg] Mark "paint-order" property as inheritable in the property index

[svgwg] Mark "width" and "height" attributes on <image> as animatable

[svgwg] Marked-up text from other namespaces in <title> and <desc>

[svgwg] Provide text-to-path-data conversion method

[svgwg] Pull Request: Add text-transform property to the list of required CSS properties

[svgwg] Remove support for "rev" attribute on <a> element

[svgwg] Require HTML 5 parser to correctly parse embedded HTML elements

[svgwg] rootElement IDL attribute type should allow null

[svgwg] Should bounding box of svg, image, foreignObject, etc include overflow content?

[svgwg] Should some SVG 2 list type syntax definitions include a trailing comma?

[svgwg] Spec synthesis of viewBox/preserveAspectRatio for viewBox-less SVGs in image contexts

[svgwg] stroke/fill should be shorthand properties

[svgwg] Support SVG 1.1 baseline value for baseline-shift

[svgwg] SVG Image size conflicts with size property and CSS style

[svgwg] Tidy up attributes appendix

[svgwg] Triage all issues from Tracker

[svgwg] Update getNumberOfChars() definition

[svgwg] Use "HTML" instead of "HTML5"

[svgwg] We should define the behavior of ‘use’ in terms of Web Components

[svgwg] x/y/width/height attributes on HTML elements

Closed: [svgwg] "paint-order" property should apply to the same elements as "fill" and "stroke" properties

Closed: [svgwg] Adjust stroke/fill to be compatible with proposed Fill & Stroke spec

Closed: [svgwg] Correct syntax for viewBox to allow comma-separated numbers

Closed: [svgwg] Define equivalent paths for degenerate shapes

Closed: [svgwg] Define how object-fit and object-position interact with preserveAspectRatio

Closed: [svgwg] Do min/max-width/height properties constrain SVG geometry?

Closed: [svgwg] Geometry properties should allow <number> value

Closed: [svgwg] image-rendering property should apply to <image>, not shapes

Closed: [svgwg] Mark "paint-order" property as inheritable in the property index

Closed: [svgwg] Marked-up text from other namespaces in <title> and <desc>

Closed: [svgwg] Remove support for "rev" attribute on <a> element

Closed: [svgwg] rootElement IDL attribute type should allow null

Closed: [svgwg] Should some SVG 2 list type syntax definitions include a trailing comma?

Closed: [svgwg] SVG Image size conflicts with size property and CSS style

Closed: [svgwg] Update getNumberOfChars() definition

Closed: [svgwg] Use "HTML" instead of "HTML5"

Closed: [svgwg] x/y/width/height attributes on HTML elements

Last message date: Sunday, 28 August 2016 10:25:52 UTC