[svgwg] Issue: Unit of numbers in path data marked as DoC_accepted

nikosandronikos has just labeled an issue for 
https://github.com/w3c/svgwg as "DoC_accepted":

== Unit of numbers in path data ==
, it wasn’t clear to me what’s the unit of the  x-axis-rotation angle 
in an arc path command. I’ve had to look at examples to find out it’s 
in degrees. This should be defined in normative text.

(Compare with the new "bearing" command which specifies: "The 
parameter is an angle in degrees, where 0 indicates the direction of 
the positive x-axis".)

Similarly, it seems "obvious" that coordinates and other lengths are 
measured in user units, but I couldn’t find a normative definition for
 that either.

See https://github.com/w3c/svgwg/issues/144

Received on Sunday, 7 August 2016 22:39:50 UTC