1st Call for Papers: Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation (WSCA-2008)
2-day NCBO Training Course in Biomedical Ontology
26th Feb COI Telcon Minutes
2nd CFP: International Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation (WSCA-2008)
[Boston Area] Feb 28 Meeting: Isaac Kohane, The Health Enterprise for Discovery Research
[COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability Telcon January 15 2008
[COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability, February 12th, 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
[COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability, February 12th, 11:00am - 12:00pm, US EST
[COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability, February 26th, 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
[COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability, February 5th, 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
[COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability, March 4th, 2008, 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
[COI] SDTM mapping Pt1 data into N3 using Babel
[coi] Some classifications of the entities in patient 1
Announcing RDFScape: Cytoscape plugin to read and reason on ontologies
AW: BioRDF Telcon
BioRDF Brainstorming
- Matt Williams (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Kei Cheung (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Chris Mungall (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Alan Ruttenberg (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Alan Ruttenberg (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Alan Ruttenberg (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Alan Ruttenberg (Wednesday, 13 February)
- Colin Batchelor (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Colin Batchelor (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Kei Cheung (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Olivier Bodenreider (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Kei Cheung (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Matthias Samwald (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Matthias Samwald (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Matt Williams (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Peter Ansell (Tuesday, 12 February)
- samwald@gmx.at (Tuesday, 12 February)
- Alan Ruttenberg (Monday, 11 February)
- Nigam Shah (Monday, 11 February)
- Olivier Bodenreider (Monday, 11 February)
- Matthias Samwald (Monday, 11 February)
- eric neumann (Monday, 11 February)
- Matthias Samwald (Monday, 11 February)
- Kei Cheung (Monday, 11 February)
- Susie M Stephens (Monday, 4 February)
BioRDF Brainstorming -- Connecting the Health Care and Life Science KB to the Linking Open Data datasets
BioRDF Call Cancelled
BioRDF Telcon
Book Announcement "Sematnics@Work"
Call for Comments: SKOS Primer: W3C Working Draft 21 February 2008
CDISC SDTM ADAM Pilot Presentation
CFP: CIA 2008 Cooperative Information Agents
CFP: International IEEE Workshop on Coordination Models and Applications (CoMA): Knowledge in Pervasive Environments
CFP: NCBO Driving Biological Projects
Deadline approaching: SeMMA -- ESWC 2008 workshop on Semantic Metadata Management and Applications
employment opportunity
Extended Deadline: 2nd International Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation (WSCA-2008)
Google EPR announcement
HCLS Knowledgebase doc
Mammographic ontology
OMG Ontology RFI
OMG Ontology RFI--link
partial review of SenseLab doc
REMINDER: Early Registration for CSHALS Ends February 6th
Request for Comments: Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies
SDTM mapping Pt1 data - [COI] Clinical Observations Interoperability
- Fostel, Jennifer (NIH/NIEHS) [C] (Tuesday, 26 February)
- Kashyap, Vipul (Tuesday, 26 February)
- Chute, Christopher G., M.D., Dr. P.H. (Tuesday, 26 February)
- Kashyap, Vipul (Tuesday, 26 February)
- Rachel Richesson (Sunday, 24 February)
Semantic Web for Health Care and Life Sciences Workshop at WWW2008
Statistical Search on the Semantic Web
Summer/Fall 2008 Internship at Mayo Clinic
Synergy; Knowledge-oriented Collaboration assessment and research
Systems Biology & Data Integration Vacancies at Rothamsted Research
Tenth International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2008), Innsbruck, Austria, August 18-22, 2008
Trust in statements (still is BioRDF Brainstorming)
Trust in statements (was BioRDF Brainstorming)
TSD 2008 First Call for Papers
Last message date: Friday, 29 February 2008 22:31:33 UTC