Trust in statements (was BioRDF Brainstorming)

Just a quick note that the 'trust' we place in an agent /could/ be 
described probabilistically, but could also be described logically. I'm 
assuming that the probabilities that the trust annotations are likely to 
subjective probabilities (as we're unlikely to have enough data to 
generate objective probabilities for the degree of trust).

If you ask people to annotate with probabilities, the next thing you 
might want to do is to define a set of common probabilities (10 - 90, in 
10% increments, for example).

The alternative is that one could annotate a source, or agent, with our 
degree of belief, chosen from some dictionary of options (probable, 
possible, doubtful, implausible, etc.).

Although there are some formal differences, the two approaches end up as 
something very similar. There is of course a great deal of work on 
managing conflicting annotations and levels of belief in the literature.


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Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2008 21:04:20 UTC