2nd CFP: International Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation (WSCA-2008)

2nd International Workshop on Web Service Composition and Adaptation (WSCA-2008)
Special Theme: Dynamic Services Composition and User Steering

Website: http://www.cs.uga.edu/~jfh/WSCA2008

July 8, 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Affiliated with IEEE International Services Computing Conference 2008

Recent advances  in networks,  information and  computation grids,  and WWW have
resulted  in the  proliferation of  a multitude  of physically  distributed and
autonomously  developed  Web  services.  Correspondingly,  the  construction and
deployment  of  composite  services  by  combining  and  reusing   independently
developed component  services is  an important  capability in  the emerging  Web
- based computing infrastructure.  In particular, ongoing research in  automatic
and semi-automatic techniques of  creating and managing service  compositions is
paving the way for business processes to continually evolve and be  flexible--an
important requirement in managing Information Technology (IT) complexity for big
and small businesses. Typically, issues related to dynamic service  compositions
include developing approaches to  handling service failures, changes  in service
functionalities, and  changes to  quality of  service parameters.  Other related
topics  include  understanding  external  events,  which  are  the  sources   of
volatility in service compositions. In people-oriented service compositions, the
element  of  human intervention  further  complicates the  compositions  and the
manner  in  which compositions  may  be adapted.  One  example of  this  is user
steering, which includes human involvement in interpreting dynamic  compositions
and making decisions on  how the process will  adapt to change. Exploring  novel
techniques  such  as  mash-ups  that  support  incremental  and  dynamic process
evolution due to user steering is also an important topic of interest.

The  workshop will  be held  in conjunction  with the  IEEE Services  Computing
Conference. SCC is a prime international forum for both researchers and industry
practitioners to exchange  the latest fundamental  advances in the  state of the
art and practice of services computing,  which in essence, has emerged as  a new
cross discipline that shapes the  thinking of performing services business  more
efficiently and effectively.  The workshop truly  complements this theme  of the
conference. Additionally, for  this year, we  are including a  special theme for
dynamic service composition and user steering---topics in SOC research that have
been lately gaining a lot of momentum in both academia and industry. We  believe
that the  workshop presentations  and discussions  will not  only bring  out the
current  state  of   advances  in  service  composition,  adaptation  and  human
involvement in constructing  processes, but also  provide valuable insights  for
future research  and development  avenues and  for work-in  progress in  related

*Specific topics of interest include*

- Formal methods in service  composition
- Verification of service  composition
- Reuse  in  service  composition:  service  compatibility  and   substitution
- Ontology-based approaches to service composition
- Adaptation and evolution of services
- Dynamic service selection and binding
- Self aware,  self-optimizing, and  self-healing  Web  services  and
- Modeling  of  change  in functional,  non-functional,  and  process
- Re-planning  of service compositions
- "People activities"  and "People-initiated"  processes
- Service compositions in mash-ups
- Human interaction workflow  patterns
- Case studies, and applications (e.g., in e-science and scientific workflows)

*Submission guidelines*

Authors are asked to submit  original, unpublished research papers that  are not
being considered for publication in any other forum. Papers must be limited to 8
pages and  following the  formatting of  the IEEE  Computer Science  Proceedings
template   (http://www.computer.org/cspress+instruct.htm).    Papers   can    be
submitted electronically  via EasyChair  submission management  system. At least
one author is required to attend the workshop and present the paper.

*Workshop proceedings*

A  single  volume  of  proceedings  encompassing  all  the  workshops  (held  in
conjunction with SCC/SERVICES-2008) will be published by IEEE Computer Society.

*Important Dates*

Paper submission: March 1, 2008
Notification: March 31, 2008
Camera-Ready  due: April 7, 2008
Workshop date: July 8, 2008

*Organizing Committee*

Jyotishman  Pathak,  Mayo Clinic  College  of Medicine
Samik  Basu, Iowa  State University
Marco  Pistore, University  of Trento
Prashant Doshi,  University of Georgia
Rama Akkiraju, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

*Steering Committee*

Vasant Honavar, Iowa State University
Amit Sheth, Wright State University

*Program Committee* (to be expanded)

Budak Arpinar, University of Georgia
Sanjay Chaudhary, DAIICT, India
Nirmit Desai, North Carolina State University
Xiang Fu, Georgia Southwestern State University
Karthik Gomadam, Wright State University
Anca Ivan, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Dimka Karastoyanova, University of Stuttgart
Brahim Medjahed, University of Michigan, Dearborn
Nanjangud Narendra, IBM India Research Lab
Marwan Sabbouh, MITRE Corportation
Michael Sheng, CSIRO, Australia
Biplav Srivastava, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Kunal Verma, Accenture Inc.
Jian Yang, Macquarie University
Haibo Zhao, University of Georgia

*Publication Chair and Webmaster*

John Harney, University of Georgia

Jyotishman Pathak
WWW: http://www.jyotishman.org

Received on Thursday, 14 February 2008 01:15:56 UTC