(Editorial) Last Call Comments on the Direct Mapping document
2011-11-15 meeting minutes
A re-write of R2RML Section 10 “Datatype Conversions”
Adobe patent for RDB Direct Mapping?
Agenda W3C RDB2RDF Working Group telephone conference 2011-11-22
Canonical forms for literals in SQL vs XSD
Direct Mapping LC comments update
Editorial comments on R2RML
Empty datatype for override?
Functions in R2RML
ISSUE-70 (SELECT EMP.JOB): Behaviour of fully qualified column names in rr:sqlQuery
ISSUE-71 (child-parent-collision): Column name collisions between child and parent queries in RefObjectMaps [R2RML]
ISSUE-72 (lookup-table2): Bring back R2RML lookup tables [R2RML]
ISSUE-73 (section11-cleanup): Section 11 cleanup [R2RML]
ISSUE-74 (appendix-B2): Re-organize the table in Appendix B.2 [R2RML]
ISSUE-75 (tableName-sugar): Reconsider rr:tableName syntactic sugar [R2RML]
ISSUE-76 (default-termType): Change the default termType for template-valued object maps if rr:datatype or rr:language is present [R2RML]
ISSUE-77 (xsd-c14n): XSD canonicalization ?? 1.0 or 1.1? [R2RML]
ISSUE-77 (xsd-c14n): XSD canonicalization – 1.0 or 1.1? [R2RML]
Last Call comment
Minutes from Nov 22 Telcon
Minutes from Nov 29, 2011 Telcon
Minutes from Nov 3 Telcon
Minutes of last meeting are at...
PLUS SIGN character in value of a pkey column
Proposal for shared SQL-to-XSD mapping for DM + R2RML
Proposal for the datatype mapping
R2RML - SQL string representations
R2RML examples and primer
R2RML examples and primer (was: Re: Editorial comments on R2RML)
RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-11-08 meeting 1700 UTC
RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-11-15 meeting 1700 UTC
RDB2RDF WG agenda for 2011-11-29 meeting 1700 UTC
Request for comments: Breaking down the datatype mapping problem (ISSUE-69)
- Richard Cyganiak (Monday, 21 November)
- David McNeil (Monday, 21 November)
- Richard Cyganiak (Monday, 21 November)
- David McNeil (Monday, 21 November)
- Joerg Unbehauen (Monday, 21 November)
- Richard Cyganiak (Monday, 21 November)
- Joerg Unbehauen (Thursday, 17 November)
- Richard Cyganiak (Wednesday, 16 November)
- Mariano Rodriguez (Wednesday, 16 November)
- Richard Cyganiak (Tuesday, 15 November)
Revised SKOS-based translation table proposal
Status update on LC comments and post-LC changes to R2RML
XSD Scheme Datatypes 1.1 (RDB2RDF Issue 77)
Last message date: Tuesday, 29 November 2011 17:58:46 UTC