from June 2011 by thread

LarKC Workflow Challenge 2011 Irene Celino (Wednesday, 29 June)

Results of survey "Do controlled vocabularies matter?" Andreas Blumauer (Semantic Web Company) (Sunday, 26 June)

Tag-less literals and literals with empty tags Antoine Isaac (Friday, 24 June)

EARLY BIRD CLOSES: Classification and Ontology, 19-20 September, The Hague Aida Slavic (Thursday, 23 June)

skos:prefLabel without language tag Bernard Vatant (Thursday, 23 June)

skos:prefLabel without language tag Bernard Vatant (Thursday, 23 June)

conference KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TRACKS (Milano, 13 ottobre 2011) - call for papers - REMINDER JEKPOT - Customer Office (Tuesday, 21 June)

Representation of Compound Mapping in SKOS LAABOUDI Christine (OP) (Tuesday, 21 June)

Submission deadline June 26th: 10th European NKOS Workshop at TPDL 2011 Traugott Koch (Wednesday, 15 June)

ISKO UK Biennial Conference 4th-5th July 2011 – Final reminder: registration closes on June 24th Stella Dextre Clarke (Tuesday, 14 June)

Re: [ANN] iQvoc 3.0 SKOS tool released Thomas Bandholtz (Thursday, 9 June)

Relevance of the OMG's SBVR (Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules) standard Stella Dextre Clarke (Wednesday, 8 June)

INVITATION: Classification and Ontology, 19-20 September, The Hague Aida Slavic (Tuesday, 7 June)

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 June 2011 12:49:57 UTC