- From: Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org>
- Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 16:37:51 +0200
- To: Stella Dextre Clarke <stella@lukehouse.org>
- Cc: "public-esw-thes@w3.org" <public-esw-thes@w3.org>, Bernard Vatant <bernard.vatant@mondeca.com>, "LAABOUDI Christine (OP)" <Christine.LAABOUDI@publications.europa.eu>, Barbara Tillett <btil@loc.gov>, "Svensson, Lars" <l.svensson@d-nb.de>
On 21 June 2011 16:02, Stella Dextre Clarke <stella@lukehouse.org> wrote: > In support of Christine's suggestion I'd point out that the issue has been > aired at several events in the past year, e.g. the Cologne Conference on > Interoperability and Semantics in Knowledge Organization > (http://linux2.fbi.fh-koeln.de/cisko2010/presentations.html) and the NKOS > workshop in Glasgow > (http://www.comp.glam.ac.uk/pages/research/hypermedia/nkos/nkos2010/programme.html), > where I gave a presentation on the Types of mapping recommended in ISO > 25964. > > There seems no doubt that for applications in which good quality mappings > are needed from one thesaurus to another, there is a demand for compound > equivalence mappings. ISO 25964 includes recommendations for the development > and use of such mappings. And in another reply to this posting, Johan de > Smedt presents some ideas for a schema to use. > > At both the above conferences it was pointed out that an extension to SKOS > would be required. Is there any hope that W3C may soon be able to > support/encourage work on such an extension? I agree that some documentation and/or extensions on how to handle this would be very useful. We have many, perhaps even most, of the right people already here on the mailing list. The only real difference that a formal W3C group (incubator, working group, whatever category...) adds is in terms of having regular structured, chaired discussion and explicitly stated goals. If members of this mailing list were to self-organize and make a first pass at the problem, that would be a great step forwards. It would also help make the case for a more official W3C effort, if one were considered necessary. But whether W3C itself "does something" or not, the real work will be done by the experts gathered here. Perhaps having a W3C initiative to extend SKOS would make it easier for participants to justify time to their projects, line managers, funders etc? Or perhaps it would give them stronger confidence that the collaboration would be fruitful. I'm not sure. My recommendation is for people to jump in and get started, rather than wait for W3C itself to "do something". Perhaps the Wiki at http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/SKOS is a good hub for collaborations? Use cases, examples, links to draft specs etc? cheers, Dan
Received on Tuesday, 21 June 2011 14:38:29 UTC