Re: skos:prefLabel without language tag

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 1:52 PM, Houghton,Andrew <> wrote:
> Given these two situations:
> <skos:prefLabel>Dog</skos:prefLabel>
> <skos:prefLabel xml:lang=””>Dog</skos:prefLabel>
> Does the inclusion of *both* prefLabel in a SKOS concept result in breaking
> the rule S14 that no two prefLabel should have the same lexical value for
> the same language tag?

My read is that S14 is not applicable. In both cases the lexical value
is the same - a plain literal without language tag. The RDFXML doesn't
state that the language tag is "". It is syntax for the absence of a
language tag. These two are different in the value space - without a
language tag it is a string, with a language tag it is a pair of
strings. The set of plain literals without language tags is *not* the
set of pairs (string , "").

Since the rule as stated applies to literals *with* language tags
(they can't be the same unless they are there), S14 would not seem to
be applicable.

That said, this looks like a hole in the spec. It was probably the
intention to also include the case that no two prefLabel without
language tag have the same lexical value.


Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 18:41:39 UTC